Career Advice
How to Revive Your Passion When Burnout is on the Horizon
With Easter drawing to a close, it's time to think about rebirth, growth, and personal development y’all. It can be easy to lose that motivational drive, that push to keep doing what you’re doing – be it with work or with your studies. And when you have that dreaded...
What Kanye West’s Career Breakthrough Can Teach You About Yours
What can The College Drop Out teach you about getting ahea - I'ma let you finish, but Kanye's journey from the kid who wanted to be a rapper to releasing his critically-acclaimed debut album, has some career lessons for all time. All time. Kanye's rise as an artist...
Change In Career: 20 Non-Hospital Jobs For Nurses To Consider
As a child, I had always thought that nurses working in hospitals have the coolest uniforms in the world. I mean, who wouldn’t want to wear pleated skirts and a cap, right? Sadly, doctors came in second because they only wore robes. But growing up, I realized that the...
Extending your degree isn’t a terrible thing
Oh goodness, what have you done? You’ve tangled yourself in a web of UTS subject availabilities, inflexible work commitments and you even maybe, possibly failed that one subject you ‘accidentally’ missed all of your lectures for. Suddenly you find yourself in that...
Career Anxiety in Pursuit of ‘Dream Job’: Sydney Millennials Losing Out
Growing up, we were always told that 'we could be anything'. Unfortunately, as we got older this adage slowly began to translate to ‘we should be everything’, creating a pressure to not only know what we want to do, but also be versatile enough to fit into whatever...
It’s Ok to Not Love Your Job
‘Choose a Job You Love and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life’ At some point in your life, you will have run into this quote (figuratively, not literally). It’s a charming sentiment and looks nice over a waterfall scene as a desktop background, but let’s...
You May Not Have One True Calling, and That’s Okay
Let’s face it guys, the world isn’t what it used to be. We’re hopping jobs and changing careers left, right and centre (on average, up to 4 times within your first decade out of uni), and for each role we’re in it’s likely we’ll be expected to have skills that span at...
International Women’s Day: Smashing the Glass Ceiling with UTS’s Leading Ladies
It’s International Women’s Day, and while women’s place in the workforce has come leaps and bounds in the last few decades, we still have a long way to go. "What do you mean?” I hear you ask. Well, dear reader, here’s a very quick rundown of a few stats for women in...
Leading Law One Competition at a Time: Top100 2018 Law Category Winner Talks Growth
I entered the Top100 Future Leaders competition in August last year after receiving an email invite by UTS. At that time, I didn’t appreciate just how far I would go in the competition, nor how much I would learn.The competition process exposes applicants to a...
You Can’t Sum Us Up With A Tweet
UTS Engineering student Mena Basaly is Chief Youth Representation officer of UN Youth Australia and helped manage the largest face-to-face consultation of young Australians to date. He shares his experience and insights from the report. "I wish the Government...
The Lowdown on O-Week It’s tempting to give this whole week a miss. Who wants to sit through a lecture before the school year has even started? Once you read about what O-Week has to offer, you’ll be first in line to ensure you don’t miss out on the O-Week festivities....
How To Deal When Someone Tries To Steal Your Crown à la Black Panther Style
(WARNING: This post contains some spoilers for the Marvel film Black Panther. You have been warned.) Black Panther (also known as one of the best Marvel films of all time) is getting some crazy (and well-deserved) hype at the moment, which is super cool because one of...
We’ve Got Your Back This Session
Your career begins when you start uni, so making sure you settle in and know what services are available to you is super important to make sure you’re on the right track. So, whether everything’s going fine or your world has blown up, we can help make your uni...
The 4 Commandments for Successful Networking (+ WIN Exciting Employer Opportunities!)
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: networking prep is ESSENTIAL. Each time you chat with someone new, you’re increasing your chances of discovering new opportunities and building your professional network which, in today’s world, is hugely important when...
Staying in the Career Loop: Five Sites for Advice and Industry Insight
In today’s world there is such a huge wealth of career options, but finding the time and motivation to really see what’s out there can be difficult, to say the least. But taking note of key blogs (aside from this lovely one you are reading right now) and online...
Is Your Nomophobia Damaging Your Career Prospects?
Do you suffer from Nomophobia? Don't worry you are not alone! We all know Nomophopia (the 'fear of being away from a mobile phone') is real and affecting everyone, especially Millennials. But you shouldn’t let your Nomophobia ruin your opportunity for employment! You...
4 Simple Hacks for Surviving Your Next Presentation
If you had asked my 8-year-old self what my favourite part of school was, it would be show-and-tell. Each week we got to bring in a new random object to stand up and tell the class about, and basically have a bit of a one minute brag-fest about our amazing new shiny...
5 Books You NEED to Add to Your TBR Pile for a Better 2018
Just in case you’ve never heard of the acronym TBR before (me – about 30minutes before publishing this post) it stands for “to be read”. If you’re searching for inspiration and greater insight in 2018, below are my recommendations of 5 books that will transform the...
Embarrassing Workplace Mess-Ups and How to Move on Like a Champ
We’ve all been there: you’re working your part-time job, someone approaches the cash register, and instead of saying the usual: “Hey, how are you today?” or “Hi, just over here thanks!” you say something wild like “Hey, how are you here today?” Which will then, of...
Former International Student Talks Identity
You may have noticed that around Australia Day, the question of Australian identity comes to the forefront of discussions in the media. I don’t even remember my first Australia Day when I arrived as an international student one January, many moons ago. The many...
5 Signs It’s Time to Quit
When you spend roughly a third of your life working, it’s important that your workplace is helping build you up rather than tear you down – both professionally, and mentally. Having a positive work environment is so important, and when we find ourselves in jobs that...
Penguins: They Exist and May Actually Help You PengWIN at Your Career
Well guys, you may not know it but tomorrow is THE most exciting day of the year: Penguin Awareness Day. That’s right – penguins exist, and we need to be aware of them. So all those Happy Feet fans out there can rejoice, because tomorrow is a full day dedicated to...
Does Music Actually Hinder Your Productivity?
Study sessions, assignments, and workdays are often completed with earphones in place, music blasting. Nowadays, music is a common accompaniment to most everyday tasks, particularly for uni students and Gen Y workers, but how does bopping along to our favourite tunes...
New Year, New Workspace
Guys, today is Clean Off Your Desk Day (yes, it’s an actual thing), so today it’s time to – you guessed it – clean up your workspace! Studies have shown that having a clearer workspace and maintaining control over your work or study environment, can increase your...