UTS Careers Blog

Events 101: Mastering the art of professionalism

  Attending a career event soon? Whether it’s a social gathering or industry conference, these events present a valuable opportunity for you to gain industry insights, experiences and expertise from people with diverse backgrounds. To make the most of these types...

6 top attributes recruiters are looking for in graduate candidates

Have you ever wondered what attributes graduate employers look for in candidates? This year, the UTS Careers team attended The Australian Association of Graduate Employers (AAGE) annual conference, bringing together graduate employers from around the nation to learn,...

Strategies to prepare for your first post-uni job

Although you go to university fully expecting to learn the skills you need to enter the workforce full-time, it’s natural for the nerves to get to you once you graduate. While first-day jitters are normal, it’s important you face your anxiety and get your mind right,...

Beyond coffee runs: The new world of startup internships

Originally published by UTS StartupsIn bygone days, internships often painted a picture of fledgling workers running errands or brewing coffee. Today, however, with the rise of technology enabling even the smallest of companies to offer greater opportunities, the...

Working at UTS, learning, and helping others: An interview with a Peer Career Advisor

Have you ever wondered what working at UTS as a student is like?If you've ever visited the UTS Careers office on campus, you might have been surprised to see the smiling face of a fellow student behind the desk. Unlike many other universities, our career offerings...

New Posts

Events 101: Mastering the art of professionalism

Events 101: Mastering the art of professionalism

  Attending a career event soon? Whether it’s a social gathering or industry conference, these events present a valuable opportunity for you to gain industry insights, experiences and expertise from people with diverse backgrounds. To make the most of these types...

Strategies to prepare for your first post-uni job

Strategies to prepare for your first post-uni job

Although you go to university fully expecting to learn the skills you need to enter the workforce full-time, it’s natural for the nerves to get to you once you graduate. While first-day jitters are normal, it’s important you face your anxiety and get your mind right,...

Receiving help is not a sign of weakness

Receiving help is not a sign of weakness

With R U OK day and UTS Wellbeing week this September, I couldn’t help but think of those battling mental setbacks. I often think about how the way we go on with our daily life is like a scene from a movie. When I ponder about this, I picture one of the most famous...

The Importance of Empathy in The Workforce

The Importance of Empathy in The Workforce

Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Alfred Adler once said, “Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.” As someone who considers themselves to be very in...

Unlocking the hidden job market

Unlocking the hidden job market

Did you know employers don't publicly advertise all jobs?While public job boards are the most easily accessible way of seeking work, many roles are filled daily through talent acquisition, backfilling, and referral. This process represents the hidden job market, which...