Job Search Postgraduate

5 top tips for finding happiness in the law

5 top tips for finding happiness in the law

My name is Jessie Porteus and I am a happy lawtrepreneur!Last year I started my own legal training business called The Learned Crew (TLC for short), which aims to prepare the next generation of lawyers for the real world of law in an ever-changing legal industry, and...

The ‘Know’s of Job Hunting

The ‘Know’s of Job Hunting

Job hunting.  It’s not an activity that many take up as recreation.  In fact, say the words and you’re met with scrunched noses and silent cringes.  While it’s never going to take out #1 spot in the Top 5 Ultimate Fun Things To Do, it doesn’t have to be painful. ...

How to Get a Job with Basically No Experience

How to Get a Job with Basically No Experience

It’s a time old problem: you need experience to get a job, but you need a job so you can get experience in the first place. And there seems no end to the ridiculous amount of previous work experience employers expect for roles that, in themselves, offer on-the-ground...

Using the Subject Outline to Your Career Advantage

Using the Subject Outline to Your Career Advantage

In conversation with Careers Consultant Claudia Cowell, we look into how the time you spend at university can be maximised to get you job-ready. Through Claudia’s experience in working with students in a one-on-one capacity, and liaising with recruiters, she makes the...

Thriving in the Weird WEIRD World of Australia

Thriving in the Weird WEIRD World of Australia

You might not realise it right off the bat, but Australia is a really weird place full of Vegemite, bin chickens and giving things a ‘fair shake of the sauce bottle’.  Australians drive on the left side of the road, they don’t eat rice with every meal and have toilets...

It’s Ok to Not Love Your Job

It’s Ok to Not Love Your Job

‘Choose a Job You Love and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life’ At some point in your life, you will have run into this quote (figuratively, not literally). It’s a charming sentiment and looks nice over a waterfall scene as a desktop background, but let’s...

You May Not Have One True Calling, and That’s Okay

You May Not Have One True Calling, and That’s Okay

Let’s face it guys, the world isn’t what it used to be. We’re hopping jobs and changing careers left, right and centre (on average, up to 4 times within your first decade out of uni), and for each role we’re in it’s likely we’ll be expected to have skills that span at...

Career Cupid: Find Your Bae

Career Cupid: Find Your Bae

Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and whether you like it, love it or hate it, it tends to give you a certain renewed awareness of your current relationship status. A recent trip to the beach with friends led to an interesting (and detailed) break down of the...

Everything’s Ending So Let’s Look Back On 2017

Everything’s Ending So Let’s Look Back On 2017

2017 has been a big year, both globally and on the UTS Careers Blog. Fortunately (for many) the year is almost over and, as no one has ever said before, and certainly never will again: '2018 is going to be our year!' But before we say goodbye to 2017, let's reflect on...

The Top 5 Skills Employers Want In Interns

The Top 5 Skills Employers Want In Interns

We recently attended the massive AAGE (Australian Association of Graduate Employers) Conference and had a chat to a few employers about what they look for in an intern – and seriously, you might be surprised by what they said. There’s an overarching idea amongst many...

Surviving Your Job Search

Surviving Your Job Search

When you’re in hard-core job search mode, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. After sending off countless applications, hearing nothing back or being turned down, and repeating the process again and again, it’s easy to fall into a bit of a funk....

Is Finding A Job Your Full-Time Job?

Is Finding A Job Your Full-Time Job?

From scrolling pages and pages of job ads, cold-calling employers, writing (and re-writing) your resume, cover letter and selection criteria, to the interview preparation and follow up, finding a job can easily turn into your full-time job.   Often when it comes...