Job Search Undergraduate

Acing Psychometric Tests: Why they’re important

Acing Psychometric Tests: Why they’re important

Article courtesy of WikiJob As the global economic crisis continues, many people are trying to land higher-paying jobs or additional gigs. But, before they can land their preferred work, they must pass the hiring process. One of the obstacles that may be required by...

How to avoid job-search burnout

How to avoid job-search burnout

Are you experiencing job-search burnout?Job hunting can be incredibly rewarding but also very draining. In today's competitive job market, landing a role could take months and dozens of unsuccessful applications. While this relentless pursuit of employment could have...

Getting your foot in the door

Getting your foot in the door

Finding an internship is hard. Sometimes it feels like its own full-time job, which no one pays or gives you credit for. I had been looking for an internship for months before I stumbled upon my first internship at UTS Careers. Today, I'd like to help you to get your...

Best of: Job search advice

Best of: Job search advice

Are you looking for a job at the moment? Or maybe contemplating leaving your current role for a new opportunity?The job search process may seem easy – you just find a job, apply for it, and get it… right? – but in reality it can take setbacks, challenges, and the...

3 steps to get an internship on your own

3 steps to get an internship on your own

Originally published by Career Success AustraliaInternships are a great way to get practical industry experience in your field. They can help set you apart from the other graduate candidates that you’re competing with!Employers in Australia love to hire graduates who...

How striving for 100 rejections landed me a job

How striving for 100 rejections landed me a job

Application after application, sleepless nights, rejections and constantly worrying about being good enough. We see our peers doing well and feel like an imposter while scrolling through Linkedin, questioning ourselves: what am I doing wrong? This is something we have...

5 tips for job hunting before graduating

5 tips for job hunting before graduating

Graduating from uni is an exciting prospect. You are finally completing the transition from childhood to adulthood and almost ready to apply all the theoretical knowledge and practical training you've gained in a real-world setting. Everyone approaches this...

How to land an internship during a pandemic

How to land an internship during a pandemic

Finding an internship can be tricky at the best of times, but chuck a global pandemic into the mix? Ooh boy, it gets even tougher. That’s why when we see UTS students landing valuable work experience positions, we definitely sit up and take notice.That’s where...

Top tips to help international students find work

Top tips to help international students find work

Being an international student is one of the most exciting experiences you will have in your lifetime. You will meet tons of fascinating people, see a range of different things, and, overall, just be changed for the better (even if COVID has changed a few things). One...