Career Advice Postgraduate

4 Simple Ways to Advance Your Career

4 Simple Ways to Advance Your Career

Whether you are looking for an entirely new career or you simply want to move up the ladder in your current company, career advancement can be a challenge. Particularly during the pandemic, finding the motivation to job search or put in extra time at work can be...

Make a difference: be a mentor

Make a difference: be a mentor

There are a tonne of benefits to finding a career mentor - we’re talkin’ building your network, identifying career goals, and having someone in your corner to help encourage you. But what’s in it for the mentor? Turns out… a lot!For some, the benefit of being a mentor...

Where are they now? Life as a Top100 finalist

Where are they now? Life as a Top100 finalist

As the deadline for GradConnection Top100 applications quickly approaches, we wanted to introduce you to two of UTS’ past Top100 finalists to hear about their experiences with the Future Leaders competition, how it has benefited their careers, and what advice they...

How to ‘uni’ in 2020 (to get ahead in 2021)

How to ‘uni’ in 2020 (to get ahead in 2021)

Whether you’re starting at UTS for the first time, or are returning back from break, the beginning of session can sometimes feel a little stressful while you get settled into study. And if you want to start being proactive for your future on top of that? You may need...

Tips for starting your communications career

Tips for starting your communications career

If you’re interested in making your way in the communications industry, Gemma Clarke from Global Hobo has some advice on how you can leverage your skills to get ahead. If you haven’t already, check out last week’s post with Gemma to read about her career journey in...

Staying productive without burning out

Staying productive without burning out

I know what you’re thinking, another article on productivity, so original! While there are numerous tips and tricks you can find online to help you stay productive, I am here to share a few that work for me while maintaining my sanity. Let’s get right to it. Don’t...

Exercising your resilience

Exercising your resilience

“It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones more resilient and responsive to change…”- Darwin The three attributes being compared in this quote are strength, intelligence and resilience – with resilience being the key to...

Making WFH work for you under quarantine

Making WFH work for you under quarantine

If you’re one of the millions of students whose universities abruptly shut down midterm or transitioned to online-only work in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the shock of in-person classes being cancelled and accommodations closed (with some even becoming...

Bias to action: why it’s so important in 2020

Bias to action: why it’s so important in 2020

From a young age, friends and family have always called me a doer, a mover and a shaker. As a child I remember every night I would ask my mom where we would be going the next day. I needed to plan out my morning accordingly. Depending on her answer, I would decide how...

Graduating in a financial crisis: my story

Graduating in a financial crisis: my story

This year the world has changed, everything has been affected. There’s a lot of uncertainty about the job market for graduating students. Are there going to be less jobs? Will you struggle to get a job after graduating? Realistically, the answer is yes. There are...

What’s it like working at a startup?

What’s it like working at a startup?

While things may not be back to normal just yet, 2020 has made many of us question just what it is we look for in a successful career. And, as more traditional ways of working have been disrupted, it might be a good time to consider working at a startup. So, what’s it...

Mindfulness, WFH and social distancing

Mindfulness, WFH and social distancing

It’s a strange time to be working and studying right now. The events and activities that usually made up most of our days have gone digital, and our social lives are now basically reliant on a good internet connection, social media, and finally nailing your perfect...

It’s okay to ask for help

It’s okay to ask for help

We’re living in a strange and unprecedented time in history, and it’s safe to say that a majority of us may be feeling more than a little off-kilter. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and it’s more than okay to ask for help.There is so much news and so...

Here’s how to network with industry from home

Here’s how to network with industry from home

We’ve talked before about how important networking is in any successful career, and while social distancing measures mean in-person meet-ups are no longer advised, there are a number of effective ways you can foster new (and existing) relationships with industry from...