Career Advice Postgraduate

So You Want to Royally Change Your Career (or Degree)?

So You Want to Royally Change Your Career (or Degree)?

So it’s been a week since one of the most public career changes of the decade was televised: the royal wedding. On May 19th 2018, Meghan Markle made the shift from American actress to member of the British royal family, changing her job title to Meghan, Duchess of...

5 Things You Must Do AFTER a Job Interview

5 Things You Must Do AFTER a Job Interview

 “Thanks for coming in. We’ll be in touch soon”. The elevator doors shut and you let out a big sigh of relief. The interview is officially done and dusted and you’re feeling confident. All you can do now is sit back and wait for the company to make their decision…...

5 Tips for Landing a Job After Uni

5 Tips for Landing a Job After Uni

When you wake up the day after graduation, the morning sunlight shining in through your bedroom window and your phone already in-hand as you scroll through the endless pics of your mates in their gowns on your Insta feed, it can feel like you’ve got the world at your...

Follow your passions… Actually no, don’t!

Follow your passions… Actually no, don’t!

Have you ever been asked the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” What age were you when you were first asked this? Maybe 5 or 6, right? It seems that we get asked this question from such an early age. And, the truth is, at this age no-one really cares...

What Does the Future of Work Look Like for Grads?

What Does the Future of Work Look Like for Grads?

We hear all the time about how the rise in technology will lead to drastic job cuts and complete industry restructuring, but as we all know: predicting the future is not an exact science. If you look at these articles over recent years, half will say X industry will...

Say “Yes” to Mentorship

Say “Yes” to Mentorship

As your career progresses, it is common that you will have different answers if asked the same question, depending on where you are at in your career. This is because you have progressed mentally and physically, and your experience and knowledge have opened your eyes...

Career Fears and How to Shake Them!

Career Fears and How to Shake Them!

Career fears: we all have them. Whether you’re thinking about applying for a specific role, have been offered a job or have been working part-time and are set to transition into a full-time gig, career fears can often be debilitating and send you on a rollercoaster of...

How to Figure Out What Your ‘Dream Job’ Actually Is

How to Figure Out What Your ‘Dream Job’ Actually Is

We all go through life with aspirations – be it for that great car, a dream house, the perfect round-the-world trip. But when it comes to careers, few of us are blessed with the deep-rooted insight needed to know exactly what job we want, and how we’re going to get...

How to Revive Your Passion When Burnout is on the Horizon

How to Revive Your Passion When Burnout is on the Horizon

With Easter drawing to a close, it's time to think about rebirth, growth, and personal development y’all. It can be easy to lose that motivational drive, that push to keep doing what you’re doing – be it with work or with your studies. And when you have that dreaded...

Extending your degree isn’t a terrible thing

Extending your degree isn’t a terrible thing

Oh goodness, what have you done? You’ve tangled yourself in a web of UTS subject availabilities, inflexible work commitments and you even maybe, possibly failed that one subject you ‘accidentally’ missed all of your lectures for. Suddenly you find yourself in that...

It’s Ok to Not Love Your Job

It’s Ok to Not Love Your Job

‘Choose a Job You Love and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life’ At some point in your life, you will have run into this quote (figuratively, not literally). It’s a charming sentiment and looks nice over a waterfall scene as a desktop background, but let’s...

You May Not Have One True Calling, and That’s Okay

You May Not Have One True Calling, and That’s Okay

Let’s face it guys, the world isn’t what it used to be. We’re hopping jobs and changing careers left, right and centre (on average, up to 4 times within your first decade out of uni), and for each role we’re in it’s likely we’ll be expected to have skills that span at...

You Can’t Sum Us Up With A Tweet

You Can’t Sum Us Up With A Tweet

UTS Engineering student Mena Basaly is Chief Youth Representation officer of UN Youth Australia and helped manage the largest face-to-face consultation of young Australians to date. He shares his experience and insights from the report.   "I wish the Government...

The Lowdown on O-Week

The Lowdown on O-Week It’s tempting to give this whole week a miss. Who wants to sit through a lecture before the school year has even started? Once you read about what O-Week has to offer, you’ll be first in line to ensure you don’t miss out on the O-Week festivities....