Skill Building Postgraduate

The skills you’ll need in 2020 (and the future)

The skills you’ll need in 2020 (and the future)

2019 is at an end, and as we look forward into the approaching year I figured now’s as good a time as any to start considering what skills you might want to start cultivating in 2020. As the world of work shifts and develops, certain skills are gradually becoming more...

The best thing you can do in 2020? Get experience

The best thing you can do in 2020? Get experience

The idea of balancing study with attaining real-world industry experience can seem a little overwhelming, particularly if you’re also working throughout. However it’s one of the few things that can really help establish you in the eyes of future employers, and is...

Skill development in a changing career landscape

Skill development in a changing career landscape

In a changing world and an evolving job market how do we prepare ourselves for the jobs of tomorrow? You would be forgiven for thinking ‘how am I supposed to prepare for something that might not even exist yet?’ Younger generations today are going to have multiple...

Be Kind At Work!

Be Kind At Work!

To show kindness is one of the most powerful things you can do for someone. This is as true in the workplace as it is at home. It’s a shame that we are sometimes conditioned to think of work as somewhere we go to shut down our emotions and humanity, sometimes creating...

Be kind at work

Be kind at work

To show kindness is one of the most powerful things you can do for someone. This is as true in the workplace as it is at home. It’s a shame that we are sometimes conditioned to think of work as somewhere we go to shut down our emotions and humanity. This way...

5 Reasons I Went Back to University

5 Reasons I Went Back to University

In you had asked me ten years ago to return to university to undertake postgrad studies, you wouldn’t have been able to pay me to do it. The early years of my undergraduate journey were filled with tears, confusion, and a lack of direction. I jumped from course to...

7.3 Questions With Mohit Sewani

7.3 Questions With Mohit Sewani

It’s time for the second edition of our Vogue-inspired series, 7.3 Questions Answered By Your Favourite Accomplishers! This week we spoke with Mohit Sewani on his experience with the Accomplish Award, how he’s gotten involved around UTS, and why meeting and developing...

7.3 Questions With Anthony Chu

7.3 Questions With Anthony Chu

To take a note out of Vogue’s book, we’ve has a chat with some of our amazing Accomplish Award graduates in a short series we like to call ‘7.3 Questions Answered By Your Favourite Accomplishers’. To kick things off, we’ve spoken with Anthony Chu; a penultimate year...

How Mentorship Can Fuel Your Career Journey

How Mentorship Can Fuel Your Career Journey

Career journeys: we’ve all heard about our career journeys or pathways, but the reality is we don’t normally realise when we’re actually on one until we spend the time thinking back on how we got to where we are. For me, I’ve come to realise that I wouldn’t be where I...

Is The Future of Work Full-time?

Is The Future of Work Full-time?

Yes? Carry on then. Nothing to read here.   No? Okay, so what?   I have no idea. So let’s set people up on how to deal with the ambiguity. It’s a hot topic that makes the rounds. Most articles talk about robots and technology automating a number of...

How to Look Cool While Networking

How to Look Cool While Networking

I know what you’re thinking: ‘Ew, networking! I don’t want to schmooze with people I don’t know! It’s so uncool!’ Well friends, I’m here to let you know that networking can totally be cool and YOU can totally look cool while networking. Trust me. So, here are a few...

Discussion Topics and Questions to Ask a Mentor

Discussion Topics and Questions to Ask a Mentor

Have you thought about seeking out a mentor? Ever feel like you can’t solve a problem when you’re too close to the source? A mentor is a great third-party resource! Asking family, friends and peers for advice can be helpful, but a mentor is likely to give you an...

5 Things You Must Do AFTER a Job Interview

5 Things You Must Do AFTER a Job Interview

 “Thanks for coming in. We’ll be in touch soon”. The elevator doors shut and you let out a big sigh of relief. The interview is officially done and dusted and you’re feeling confident. All you can do now is sit back and wait for the company to make their decision…...

What Does the Future of Work Look Like for Grads?

What Does the Future of Work Look Like for Grads?

We hear all the time about how the rise in technology will lead to drastic job cuts and complete industry restructuring, but as we all know: predicting the future is not an exact science. If you look at these articles over recent years, half will say X industry will...