Resumes and Cover Letters - UTS Careers

Resumes and Cover Letters

The 5 Stages of Graduate Recruitment

The 5 Stages of Graduate Recruitment

If you're in your penultimate or final year of study, you might have started thinking about what comes next. For many industries, graduate programs are standard for students to transition into after university. Some organisations recruit students as early as January...

Craft a resume that stands out

Craft a resume that stands out

You have probably been writing resumes since you took a business course in high school or uni. You likely know what it needs: your name and contact information, your skill sets, your experience, and your education information.But, do you know how to make your...

It’s okay to ask for help

It’s okay to ask for help

We’re living in a strange and unprecedented time in history, and it’s safe to say that a majority of us may be feeling more than a little off-kilter. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and it’s more than okay to ask for help.There is so much news and so...

How to de-spook your career future

How to de-spook your career future

When thinking about what your future holds makes you want to scream and dive for cover, you know it’s time to make some changes. Many people have a lot of anxiety around their career options and can get pretty spooked whenever the subject comes up. Luckily, we have a...

4 Tips to Polish Off Your Design Career

4 Tips to Polish Off Your Design Career

1. Clean up your portfolioDoes your online portfolio have work that’s now creeping up to the 5 years old mark? If yes, it’s time to dust off those cobwebs and let go of any outdated and irrelevant work that may be lingering in the deep dark depths of your portfolio....

How to create an outstanding video resume

How to create an outstanding video resume

Do you need to submit a video resume for a job application? If so, it’s important to put the work into making a high-quality video. If you’re applying for something that requires a video, make sure your video is clear and easy to watch. It should be short (less than...

How to prepare your resume for coding interviews

How to prepare your resume for coding interviews

The job market has been evolving rapidly, and as more companies adopt the WFH model, the demand for tech talent is on the rise. The fight for hiring tech talent is getting more brutal, with technology and software becoming a success pill for businesses worldwide.The...

Does your resume spark joy?

Does your resume spark joy?

If you’re familiar with tidying expert Marie Kondo, author of the bestselling book, ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,’ and star of the Netflix show, ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,’ you know that her philosophy revolves around the idea that simplifying, organising...

How to stand out: applying to a law firm

How to stand out: applying to a law firm

Crafting the perfect resume can be difficult, particularly when trying to tailor it to your ideal role. With each field looking for different things from their candidates, it’s important you understand how to best present your skills to suit your industry.Sally Layson...

Am I Being Ghosted by a Recruiter?

Am I Being Ghosted by a Recruiter?

We’ve all been there before. You’ve submitted a brilliant resume and you've attached a superb cover letter. You’re sure that you’re at least going to get an interview, and then… nothing. You start to think about where it all went wrong, what to do next, and you’re...

Best of: Resume and cover letter advice

Best of: Resume and cover letter advice

If you think about your next career step, chances are one of the first things you’re going to think about is your resume and cover letter. Not the most exciting things in the world, your CV and cover letter can nevertheless make or break an opportunity. As the first...

When resume mistakes become deal-breakers

When resume mistakes become deal-breakers

When it comes to getting a job, it's hard to overstate the importance of having a good resume. First impressions can be hard to change, and, in most cases, your resume is the first thing about you that a potential employer will encounter. Upon seeing your resume, any...

How to write a stand out cover letter

How to write a stand out cover letter

“I love writing cover letters.” Said no one, ever. Most people don’t want to write a cover letter, and if they aren’t specifically asked for then very few people will do it. However, if you know how to use it the cover letter can become your secret weapon in landing...