Job Search

Think You’ll Do An Internship?  READ THIS.

Think You’ll Do An Internship? READ THIS.

An internship is about experience – your experience.  Here are 5 steps to take control and own it.Step 1 - ResearchStart early.  Very early.  The day you arrive on campus is the day you announce to the world: “I want to be somebody”.  But who do you want to be?  You...

Career Cupid: Find Your Bae

Career Cupid: Find Your Bae

Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and whether you like it, love it or hate it, it tends to give you a certain renewed awareness of your current relationship status. A recent trip to the beach with friends led to an interesting (and detailed) break down of the...

Everything’s Ending So Let’s Look Back On 2017

Everything’s Ending So Let’s Look Back On 2017

2017 has been a big year, both globally and on the UTS Careers Blog. Fortunately (for many) the year is almost over and, as no one has ever said before, and certainly never will again: '2018 is going to be our year!' But before we say goodbye to 2017, let's reflect on...

The Top 5 Skills Employers Want In Interns

The Top 5 Skills Employers Want In Interns

We recently attended the massive AAGE (Australian Association of Graduate Employers) Conference and had a chat to a few employers about what they look for in an intern – and seriously, you might be surprised by what they said. There’s an overarching idea amongst many...

Surviving Your Job Search

Surviving Your Job Search

When you’re in hard-core job search mode, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. After sending off countless applications, hearing nothing back or being turned down, and repeating the process again and again, it’s easy to fall into a bit of a funk....

Is Finding A Job Your Full-Time Job?

Is Finding A Job Your Full-Time Job?

From scrolling pages and pages of job ads, cold-calling employers, writing (and re-writing) your resume, cover letter and selection criteria, to the interview preparation and follow up, finding a job can easily turn into your full-time job.   Often when it comes...

How Can A Recruitment Consultant ACTUALLY Help?

How Can A Recruitment Consultant ACTUALLY Help?

You have just graduated or completed your internship and are now looking to progress on to the next phase of your job search. Where should you go from here? In addition to hunting through online job boards such as you may find it helpful to engage with a...

4 Jobs That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago

4 Jobs That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago

With technology the way that it is, it’s no surprise that the career landscape has changed over the last few years. But the impact these changes have had on available career paths has been intense. There are dozens of jobs available today, that didn’t even exist more...

Get The Most Out Of Your Casual Job

Get The Most Out Of Your Casual Job

While some casual roles revolve around menial work and seemingly pointless tasks, it’s still an important step in your employment journey. Exploring casual employment with the attitude that it’s not worth your time really doesn’t do justice to the value you can attain...

Networking Shouldn’t Be A Dirty Word (And Here’s Why)

Networking Shouldn’t Be A Dirty Word (And Here’s Why)

Networking gets a bad rap – people often see it as a sleazy way to make ‘fake friends’, all based around this idea that you’ll one day be able to help each other out career-wise. Well, it really doesn’t have to be that way. Networking, when done right, is a great way...

How to Network Like a Natural

How to Network Like a Natural

When looking for a job you’re constantly told “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”, or “you need to get out there and market yourself.” It’s a constant reminder that you’re not doing enough to tap into potential job opportunities and develop new relationships....

Can You Handle Rejection??

Can You Handle Rejection??

Getting the right job at the right company can be a difficult process. However, remember that good things take time and you’re not the only one to have received rejection. It is a common process many go through, and you can choose to make the best of the experience...

Are You Hired for Your Degree?  

Are You Hired for Your Degree?  

This topic may seem strange, and even when I mentioned it to a few of my colleagues they were surprised and wondered ‘What is Chandani writing about?’ If you really would like to know what I’m talking about, please go read on. A majority of the people in this modern...

Looking for a Job? Here’s Where to Look

Looking for a Job? Here’s Where to Look

Looking for a job? With so many resources available it can be hard to know where to look! Below is a list of job sites that you can use in your job search process. Regardless of whether you’re a student, experienced graduate, or anywhere in between, these sites can...

Can You Land a Job When You Have No Experience?

Can You Land a Job When You Have No Experience?

At UTS:Careers Drop-In, a very common question to be asked is “How can I get a job when I have no experience?” Students often bring in their resume with their objective and education, and say that they have no experience but really need a job. If you are concerned...