Acing Psychometric Tests: Why they’re important

by Jul 17, 2023

Article courtesy of WikiJob

As the global economic crisis continues, many people are trying to land higher-paying jobs or additional gigs. But, before they can land their preferred work, they must pass the hiring process. One of the obstacles that may be required by your potential employer is psychometric testing.

If you’re just entering the workforce, then here’s what you need to know about psychometric tests.

Psychometric Test: What it is and why it’s important

The psychometric test is one of the methods used by recruiters to see if applicants are qualified for the job.

Right now, psychometric tests (or, SHL tests) are commonly done online. But, there are some instances when you need to answer them directly on paper. One of the most important reasons why psychometric tests are conducted is they can show how candidates can possibly perform in the future.

Psychometric tests are used to measure:

  • Job applicants’ aptitude for the This is the way candidates react to different situations and how they perform tasks.
  • Job applicants’ personalities. Employers want to know if the candidates fit the vision and mission of their organisation.
  • Job applicants’ capabilities. Some tests assess your general skills, such as logical reasoning, ability to spot errors, verbal reasoning, etc.

When applying for a new job, psychometric tests commonly appear as:

  • An add-on to the HR interview.
  • A test before or after the job interview.
  • A test after submitting your job application.

Different kinds of psychometric tests

There are three main kinds of psychometric tests. These are skill tests, personality tests, and aptitude tests. Some employers will only use one, where others might use a combination of tests. Here is an outline of each kind, so you can know what to expect if it comes up during the recruitment process.

Skill test

This psychometric test enables employers to check how applicants can quickly learn new skills that are essential for the position they’re applying for.

In some instances, the skill test could be quite technical depending on the job you’re applying for. For example, the psychometric exam could be about basic web page designing or financial modelling tasks.

Personality test

This psychometric test is considered less difficult compared to the skill examination. However, it is as important as the skill test as it will show how you behave and approach work tasks.

The personality exam will allow employers to determine if your attitude and behaviour are well-fitted for the job you are applying for and their business culture.

This psychometric test is commonly crossed-referenced to the personalities of top-performing employees within the company. By checking your answers, employers will be able to know if your personality matches their best staff.

One of the most common personality tests used by employers is the Myers-Briggs psychometric exam.

Aptitude test

Unlike personality and skill exams, the aptitude test is a psychometric examination that focuses on the general skills of applicants.

There are six categories in the aptitude test:

  • Logical Reasoning Test: Checks applicants’ skills in coming up with a conclusion for their work tasks.
  • Error Checking Test: This aptitude exam will assess applicants’ capabilities to find errors in complex data.
  • Inductive Reasoning Test: This exam will assess your skills when it comes to identifying patterns/trends using diagrammatic information.
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning Test: Using flowcharts and diagrams, this psychometric test will assess applicants’ capacity for logical reasoning.
  • Numerical Reasoning Test: This exam will check if you can properly interpret data using a combination of statistical data and written information. These infos are presented in charts, graphs, or reports. In short, the numerical reasoning test focuses on your basic mathematical skills.
  • Verbal Reasoning Test: This aptitude test will assess your capability to evaluate written information, especially detailed ones.

How to pass psychometric tests

When it comes to exams, including psychometric tests, the best way to pass them is to prepare.

Although this will not allow you to get a 100% score, preparing for psychometric tests will give you enough confidence to answer them efficiently.

Here are some psychometric test preparation tips you can rely on:

  • Make sure to get enough rest and sleep before taking your psychometric exams.
  • Take advantage of the practice psychometric questions that your employer will provide.
  • Work on managing your time, and avoid spending too much time answering some questions.


Now that you know the importance of the psychometric test, the different kinds of tests, and how to prepare for it, you can start going for your dream job!


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