Career Advice

How to Answer 5 Common Interview Questions

How to Answer 5 Common Interview Questions

Nobody really likes talking about themselves – especially to a stranger. In an interview context, you not only have to talk about yourself but do so in a way that convinces the other person to hire you. Despite being unable to predict what they will ask, there are...

Why Kim K Could Be Your Next Career Icon

Why Kim K Could Be Your Next Career Icon

Despite her divisive popularity, there’s no doubt that Kim Kardashian is a successful woman. So we’ve compiled a list of the top 4 career tips you can learn from her continued rise to fame. And hey, she might even become your new career icon! Branding Knowing how to...

How to Rock the Uni/Work Balance

How to Rock the Uni/Work Balance

If you’re a full-time student, then university is essentially your full time job. While your face-to-face classes at uni may not take up the full 40 hours a week the usual full time job requires, the at-home work you are required to complete certainly might. Balancing...

Quick Career Quizzes

Quick Career Quizzes

Who doesn't love a good quiz? While these ones probably shouldn't be taken too seriously, they can help you to start thinking about your career path. Identifying your strengths, interests and personality type are good starting points when trying to decide what...

Creating an Awesome Portfolio

Creating an Awesome Portfolio

Finding work in a creative industry can be difficult – that’s why we’ve compiled a few tips for creating an awesome portfolio to help you stand out from the competition!Get onlineCreating an online space to showcase your work is really important. You don’t have to...

Game of Thrones Career Advice!

Game of Thrones Career Advice!

Game of Thrones fan? Read on to discover what career tips you can take from your fave characters! (SPOILERS AHEAD) Varys Knowing how to network is something Varys does very well. Born as a slave in Lys, he worked his way up from thief to Master of Whisperers by...

Mastering the Australian Workplace: Slang

Mastering the Australian Workplace: Slang

In Australia, there’s a slang term for almost everything. If you’re here as an international student, this may make many conversations difficult to follow – particularly in the workplace. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of common Australian workplace slang...

Industry Networking: The Built Environment Industry

Industry Networking: The Built Environment Industry

If you work in the built environment industry, you need to be networking! Working in construction, real estate, property development or project management means you will often work with diverse groups of people. Therefore, forging positive relationships now can not...

Stay Motivated! Tips for Postgraduate Students

Stay Motivated! Tips for Postgraduate Students

Minimise self-doubt Students often undertake postgraduate study at a later stage in life, where friends and family members may be in the process of establishing themselves more fully in their own careers. This can lead to anxiety about your own choices in pursuing...

First Impressions Count: 5 Tips for Success!

First Impressions Count: 5 Tips for Success!

First impressions are vital when you’re meeting prospective employers for the first time. Studies have shown that people form their first impressions of a person within 7 to 17 seconds of meeting them – that means that how you present yourself matters! It can be...

How to Make a Difference in Your Career

How to Make a Difference in Your Career

Have you ever thought about using your degree and career to make a positive change in society? If so, looking at working for a socially-conscious company such as an NGO could be a great fit. If you want to know more about them, and what a career involving cause-based...

Business and Society: How can YOU make a difference?

Business and Society: How can YOU make a difference?

By Mia Casey Often many view business – whether big or small – as independent capitalist structures providing more social problems than benefits. However this idea is changing. Across start-up companies and other established organisations, many are beginning to see...

Volunteering: How Can it Help YOU?

Volunteering: How Can it Help YOU?

While it can be hard to find time to take on extra work, volunteering is an extremely worthwhile pursuit when it comes to increasing your employability. Opening up the opportunity for you to build skills, forge new industry connections and positively impact your...

Cover letters: top 5 tips + free template!

Cover letters: top 5 tips + free template!

A cover letter is a must-have in the application process, so we’ve put together a list of our top tips for writing an awesome cover letter! Tips 1. Format In terms of format, put your name and contact details, as well as the employer’s name and contact details at the...

Networking at industry careers fairs

Networking at industry careers fairs

Networking events differ depending on their speciality – some events are general, others are chats over canapés, and others are specific to an industry. Knowing how to stand out from the crowd can be tricky, so we’ve compiled a small list of things you can do to...

CATS! + getting started on LinkedIn

CATS! + getting started on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s largest online professional network, and in today’s recruitment world, managing your online profile is a MUST. LinkedIn is a great resource to get your name out to people in your industry and start building those professional connections! It...

Find out how to write the perfect resume!

Find out how to write the perfect resume!

It’s hard to find anyone who actively enjoys writing a resume. It’s often a stressful and intimidating process that most only undertake a handful of times throughout their careers. Fear not! A large part of what stumps people when it comes to crafting their resumes is...

4 tips for kick-starting your career this August!

4 tips for kick-starting your career this August!

It can be easy to avoid setting time aside to work on your future when balancing things like assignments, work, exams and a social life can take all of your attention in the present. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to give yourself a head-start on...