Career Advice

Plan your career like a road trip

Plan your career like a road trip

Just like that Aussie road trip you’ve been saying you’re going to do at some point, your career needs a little planning. Aptly named, a career plan is a good thing to have in your glovebox, otherwise you might find yourself having a career crisis down the track.So...

Be Kind At Work!

Be Kind At Work!

To show kindness is one of the most powerful things you can do for someone. This is as true in the workplace as it is at home. It’s a shame that we are sometimes conditioned to think of work as somewhere we go to shut down our emotions and humanity, sometimes creating...

Be kind at work

Be kind at work

To show kindness is one of the most powerful things you can do for someone. This is as true in the workplace as it is at home. It’s a shame that we are sometimes conditioned to think of work as somewhere we go to shut down our emotions and humanity. This way...

What to consider when working overseas

What to consider when working overseas

My name is Megan and I’m the cliché British backpacker on her working holiday visa.I moved to Sydney in February for a job opportunity that I couldn’t turn down. I started working as an SEO Specialist for Employment Hero over a month ago and I am loving the learning...

The ultimate survival guide to your first internship

The ultimate survival guide to your first internship

Entering into your first internship can be just as daunting as your first job. It might even be more so if your internship is in the field you want a career in.So we compiled a survival guide to get you through the first couple of days at your internship, and to get...

Taking care of yourself at work

Taking care of yourself at work

Chances are that at some point in your career your work environment is going to change. You could be moving from an active job in hospitality or retail, to your first ever office role. You could go from making your own schedule as a freelancer, to being expected to...

How Finding a Job is Like Buying a House

How Finding a Job is Like Buying a House

Changing jobs and moving house is up there amongst the top 10 most stressful life events. Having spent the past few months searching for and eventually buying a new house, it was apparent how similar the process and the emotions can be. There are disappointments,...

Chats With Adecco Group’s Student CEO

Chats With Adecco Group’s Student CEO

"I’ve always had the mindset of: ‘What’s my next step? How do I get there? What can I do today to maximise my opportunity?"John Huang is a UTS student studying a Bachelor of Business. In May he won CEO for One Month, a program awarded by Adecco Group Australia. This...

Round the Office Chats

Round the Office Chats

I'm finding it more and more difficult to end conversations with colleagues these days. Why? Because conversations, and I mean physical in person conversations, are becoming obsolete in the workplace. So when it comes time to have a chat I often find it difficult to...

Should You Do Postgraduate Studies?

Should You Do Postgraduate Studies?

I recently decided to go back to university to study a master’s degree, more than ten years after finishing my undergraduate degree. Scary, I know! This was a difficult decision to make because there are no guarantees that this is the right thing to do. I struggled...

How to Say Goodbye to Your Office Family

How to Say Goodbye to Your Office Family

We’ve all heard stories about leaving toxic work environments before. After suffering for eons in a place that doesn’t appreciate you, you finally head for greener pastures. The birds are all singing, the sun is shining, and small children seem to be celebrating on...

4 Tips to Polish Off Your Design Career

4 Tips to Polish Off Your Design Career

1. Clean up your portfolioDoes your online portfolio have work that’s now creeping up to the 5 years old mark? If yes, it’s time to dust off those cobwebs and let go of any outdated and irrelevant work that may be lingering in the deep dark depths of your portfolio....

Embrace Your Incompetence

Embrace Your Incompetence

You can’t be great at everything. None of us can. But the question is: what are you going to do about it? Assuming that you’re in a position where you’re ‘consciously incompetent’ (refer to the Conscious Competence Theory), there are a few different ways you might...

Not Just a Line on Your Resume

Not Just a Line on Your Resume

Internships are a training position commonly held by a student looking to further their career. But how do you know if completing an internship is the right step for you? And, if you decide to do one, what are the benefits? We spoke to UTS Graduates about their time...

How Sleep Deprivation Could Ruin Your Career

How Sleep Deprivation Could Ruin Your Career

With semester getting hectic, it’s easy to sacrifice sleep in favor of finishing that list minute assignment, or bingeing Dead to Me on Netflix. But a lack of sleep can actually have a huge impact on your daily life, and getting into the habit of subsisting on less...

Inbox Zero

Inbox Zero

Picture this: it’s a Wednesday morning, and you’ve just logged on to your computer at work. You have your coffee in hand, and you are ready to tackle the day. You open up Outlook and all of a sudden your computer starts to move at snail speed as your inbox loads....