Skill Building Undergraduate

Top 5 Things You Can Do At Uni to Get Work-Ready!

Top 5 Things You Can Do At Uni to Get Work-Ready!

From the UTS Careers Career Programs Team Hey you! The student over there thinking you have all the time in the world to look for a job after you finish your degree: our advice to you would be to start NOW. The earlier you start thinking about getting work-ready, the...

Top Ten Tips for Mastering Your Elevator Pitch

Top Ten Tips for Mastering Your Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a short (usually a minute or less) speech that draws people in and tells them about your work, your goals, and your interests. An elevator pitch is vital if you’re attending any sort of networking or industry event, but it is good to have one...

5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Creativity

5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Creativity

Creativity comes in a variety of forms – be it suggesting a new idea at a meeting, painting a picture, thinking of how to overcome a problem, taking a photo, or even discovering new ways to work more productively. Because creativity is important to so many aspects of...

How to Write Effective Emails

How to Write Effective Emails

I receive, on average, at least 20 emails a day. Most of these are sales-related (I have a problematic shopping addiction), but for those from all the real people who are emailing me,  it’s easy to separate a well-written email from a poorly-written one. In today’s...

5 Skills to Master in Your 20s

5 Skills to Master in Your 20s

For most people, their 20’s is a time of huge personal and professional development. It’s when you’re at uni, building your network, making your first real steps into a career, moving out, paying taxes – all of these steps into actual adulthood. Which can be totally...