Job Search Undergraduate

It’s okay to ask for help

It’s okay to ask for help

We’re living in a strange and unprecedented time in history, and it’s safe to say that a majority of us may be feeling more than a little off-kilter. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and it’s more than okay to ask for help.There is so much news and so...

Don’t get caught out in a job scam

Don’t get caught out in a job scam

When you are applying for work and sending out multiple applications each day, job advertisements can all start to blur together. It is important to make sure what you are applying for is legitimate as, unfortunately, you may come across fake accounts and job...

How to land a job in sales as a business student

How to land a job in sales as a business student

Though it may come as a surprise, business students (and those studying a related field) can leverage their studies to land a role in sales. More importantly, with so many industries that you can go into after working in sales, it could be the ideal stepping stone...

5 top tips for finding happiness in the law

5 top tips for finding happiness in the law

My name is Jessie Porteus and I am a happy lawtrepreneur!Last year I started my own legal training business called The Learned Crew (TLC for short), which aims to prepare the next generation of lawyers for the real world of law in an ever-changing legal industry, and...

The Inside Look at Lendlease’s Graduate Program

The Inside Look at Lendlease’s Graduate Program

It’s that time of year again where we seek our next generation of graduates to join Lendlease on our two-year graduate program. We know that applying for graduate programs and going through the process can be daunting and often stressful. However, I’m here to give you...

5 Steps to Finding Great Love (Or a Great Job)

5 Steps to Finding Great Love (Or a Great Job)

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, the most romantic day of the year! So many people are scrambling around looking for a date without realising that finding love can be awfully similar to finding that dream job. 1. Start with the man in the mirror The best way to start a...

The ‘Know’s of Job Hunting

The ‘Know’s of Job Hunting

Job hunting.  It’s not an activity that many take up as recreation.  In fact, say the words and you’re met with scrunched noses and silent cringes.  While it’s never going to take out #1 spot in the Top 5 Ultimate Fun Things To Do, it doesn’t have to be painful. ...

5 Reasons Christmas is a Great Time for a Job Search

5 Reasons Christmas is a Great Time for a Job Search

It may not feel like it, but the end of the year is actually a great time to start looking for a job. Whether it’s a change in career, a chance to gain new experience, or taking your first foray into the working world, December is a good time to get stuck in and...

How to Get a Job with Basically No Experience

How to Get a Job with Basically No Experience

It’s a time old problem: you need experience to get a job, but you need a job so you can get experience in the first place. And there seems no end to the ridiculous amount of previous work experience employers expect for roles that, in themselves, offer on-the-ground...

Using the Subject Outline to Your Career Advantage

Using the Subject Outline to Your Career Advantage

In conversation with Careers Consultant Claudia Cowell, we look into how the time you spend at university can be maximised to get you job-ready. Through Claudia’s experience in working with students in a one-on-one capacity, and liaising with recruiters, she makes the...

Thriving in the Weird WEIRD World of Australia

Thriving in the Weird WEIRD World of Australia

You might not realise it right off the bat, but Australia is a really weird place full of Vegemite, bin chickens and giving things a ‘fair shake of the sauce bottle’.  Australians drive on the left side of the road, they don’t eat rice with every meal and have toilets...

It’s Ok to Not Love Your Job

It’s Ok to Not Love Your Job

‘Choose a Job You Love and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life’ At some point in your life, you will have run into this quote (figuratively, not literally). It’s a charming sentiment and looks nice over a waterfall scene as a desktop background, but let’s...

You May Not Have One True Calling, and That’s Okay

You May Not Have One True Calling, and That’s Okay

Let’s face it guys, the world isn’t what it used to be. We’re hopping jobs and changing careers left, right and centre (on average, up to 4 times within your first decade out of uni), and for each role we’re in it’s likely we’ll be expected to have skills that span at...

Think You’ll Do An Internship?  READ THIS.

Think You’ll Do An Internship? READ THIS.

An internship is about experience – your experience.  Here are 5 steps to take control and own it.Step 1 - ResearchStart early.  Very early.  The day you arrive on campus is the day you announce to the world: “I want to be somebody”.  But who do you want to be?  You...