Resumes and Cover Letters Postgraduate

Best of: Resume and cover letter advice

Best of: Resume and cover letter advice

If you think about your next career step, chances are one of the first things you’re going to think about is your resume and cover letter. Not the most exciting things in the world, your CV and cover letter can nevertheless make or break an opportunity. As the first...

Craft a resume that stands out

Craft a resume that stands out

You have probably been writing resumes since you took a business course in high school or uni. You likely know what it needs: your name and contact information, your skill sets, your experience, and your education information.But, do you know how to make your...

How to prepare your resume for coding interviews

How to prepare your resume for coding interviews

The job market has been evolving rapidly, and as more companies adopt the WFH model, the demand for tech talent is on the rise. The fight for hiring tech talent is getting more brutal, with technology and software becoming a success pill for businesses worldwide.The...

When resume mistakes become deal-breakers

When resume mistakes become deal-breakers

When it comes to getting a job, it's hard to overstate the importance of having a good resume. First impressions can be hard to change, and, in most cases, your resume is the first thing about you that a potential employer will encounter. Upon seeing your resume, any...

Does your resume spark joy?

Does your resume spark joy?

If you’re familiar with tidying expert Marie Kondo, author of the bestselling book, ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,’ and star of the Netflix show, ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,’ you know that her philosophy revolves around the idea that simplifying, organising...

How to write a stand out cover letter

How to write a stand out cover letter

“I love writing cover letters.” Said no one, ever. Most people don’t want to write a cover letter, and if they aren’t specifically asked for then very few people will do it. However, if you know how to use it the cover letter can become your secret weapon in landing...

3 Ways to Include Study Abroad on Your Resume

3 Ways to Include Study Abroad on Your Resume

You’ve pinned travel snapshots around your room, gifted souvenirs to family and friends, and texted your classmates from abroad about fun memories shared. Though your global exchange program may be over, the adventure has just begun! Whether your sights are set on...

5 Easy Ways to Get Your Job Application Seen by Recruiters

5 Easy Ways to Get Your Job Application Seen by Recruiters

If you’ve found a job that ticks all your boxes, it’s time to tick all of the recruiter’s boxes as the perfect candidate! Writing a great job application can take a while, but it doesn’t have to be a super daunting process. Below are some key guidelines to stick to...

Give Yourself a Fresh Start

Give Yourself a Fresh Start

Whether you are in your first or final year, with a new session about to begin it’s time for a fresh start and a chance for you to re-set your approach to university.  With more financial skin in the game than ever before, how can you make the most of your time at...

Breaking Down the Cover Letter

Breaking Down the Cover Letter

Whenever you’re applying for a job, it’s important you write a tailored cover letter that’s specific to the role you’re applying for. Gone are the days of cookie cutter cover letters that you can trot out every time a new job rolls around – this thing needs to be...

Everything’s Ending So Let’s Look Back On 2017

Everything’s Ending So Let’s Look Back On 2017

2017 has been a big year, both globally and on the UTS Careers Blog. Fortunately (for many) the year is almost over and, as no one has ever said before, and certainly never will again: '2018 is going to be our year!' But before we say goodbye to 2017, let's reflect on...