Career Advice Undergraduate

4 Jobs That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago

4 Jobs That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago

With technology the way that it is, it’s no surprise that the career landscape has changed over the last few years. But the impact these changes have had on available career paths has been intense. There are dozens of jobs available today, that didn’t even exist more...

When It’s Alright to Say No

When It’s Alright to Say No

If you’ve ever seen Jim Carey’s Yes Man then you know that saying yes to everything isn’t always the best idea.  Yet we are often told that saying ‘yes’ is the key to progression – to opportunities, relationships, career success, or general life achievements. While...

Have You Got Grit?

Have You Got Grit?

The other day I was reminded of a podcast I listened a few years ago that really stuck with me. The theme for the podcast was success; or more specifically, whether there is a common link between those who thrive in life and achieve their goals, compared to those who...

Networking Shouldn’t Be A Dirty Word (And Here’s Why)

Networking Shouldn’t Be A Dirty Word (And Here’s Why)

Networking gets a bad rap – people often see it as a sleazy way to make ‘fake friends’, all based around this idea that you’ll one day be able to help each other out career-wise. Well, it really doesn’t have to be that way. Networking, when done right, is a great way...

What Is Background Stress, And How Do You Overcome It?

What Is Background Stress, And How Do You Overcome It?

Some causes of stress are obvious – an increased workload, exams and assignments, family or friend drama, or a hectic workplace. But sometimes, it’s a lot of little things that build up without us even noticing, and suddenly we’re stressing out without really knowing...

Living and Working Abroad: The London Life

Living and Working Abroad: The London Life

All throughout my latter years in high school and university, I dreamt of travelling Europe and the UK. I couldn’t wait to throw on my (huge) backpack and create memories on the other side of the world. The idea of not knowing who I would meet, where I would work or...

Career Advice With Colleen

Career Advice With Colleen

As I punch in the string of digits belonging to my Grandparents’ landline up in Old Bar, I know exactly what my Grandma is doing. She’ll be perched on a beige leather arm chair, knitting to the beat of Phil Gould’s commentary of this afternoon’s NRL Bulldogs game....

9 Quotes For When You’re Having A Bad Week

9 Quotes For When You’re Having A Bad Week

It’s one of those weeks: it’s raining every day, the buses are packed full of wet, irritable commuters whose bags keep bumping into your head every time you turn a corner, and all you want to do is curl up in bed and pretend this week never happened. Instead, you’re...

Phone Etiquette: 3 Easy Ways to Improve

Phone Etiquette: 3 Easy Ways to Improve

Sometimes in life, it’s the little things that count – and having proper phone etiquette is one of those little things. If you’ve ever worked in a customer service role, chances are you’ve been required to answer the phone from time to time, and know that you should...

The Benefits of a Professional Mentor

The Benefits of a Professional Mentor

Professional mentors.  Everyone seems to have one, and it sounds like a good idea, but what does having a mentor actually achieve? And where can you find one? Benefits Insight A professional mentor is able to give further insight into the profession that you’re...

3 Key Factors of Startup Success According to Founders

3 Key Factors of Startup Success According to Founders

Let’s face it, the career landscape has changed since our parents’ time. Technology has made the world a smaller place, with the dynamics shifting almost constantly between traditional and emerging industries. One of the growing changes in the career space is the rise...

How to Network Like a Natural

How to Network Like a Natural

When looking for a job you’re constantly told “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”, or “you need to get out there and market yourself.” It’s a constant reminder that you’re not doing enough to tap into potential job opportunities and develop new relationships....

Can You Handle Rejection??

Can You Handle Rejection??

Getting the right job at the right company can be a difficult process. However, remember that good things take time and you’re not the only one to have received rejection. It is a common process many go through, and you can choose to make the best of the experience...

Are Students Suffering in a Changing Job Market?

Are Students Suffering in a Changing Job Market?

If you’re studying you don’t need to be told that life can be stressful – chances are, that’s a reality you’re already dealing with. Still, reports that over 70% of students are experiencing ‘high or very high levels of psychological distress’ were met with shock,...

Staying Agile

Staying Agile

(Article originally posted on Postgraduate Futures) Jump-start a stellar career and build the perfect skillset by forging your industry links early. Let’s face it, taking on undergraduate and postgraduate studies can sound like a slog. But that investment could pay...