Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate
Do You Have Career Envy? It’s that uncomfortable feeling of desiring something that someone else has; a resentful longing, an emotion that we associate with a destructive green-eyed monster. It’s something we’ve learned we shouldn’t admit to. But envy is something we...
Interviews, Interviews Postgraduate, Interviews Undergraduate, Skill Building, Skill Building Postgraduate, Skill Building Undergraduate
Startup Your Career: How to Make a Startup Experience Work to Your Advantage Participating in a startup appears to be the complete opposite of working for a large corporation – but is it? Let’s look at how your experience in a startup can literally start your...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Interviews, Interviews Postgraduate, Interviews Undergraduate
Self-care: Before and After a Job Interview Let’s face it: interviews are one of those rare life moments that are equal parts exciting and make-your-palms-sweat levels of nerve racking. If you have just landed yourself an interview and you’re starting to perspire, or...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Skill Building, Skill Building Postgraduate, Skill Building Undergraduate
How to Look Cool While Networking I know what you’re thinking: ‘Ew, networking! I don’t want to schmooze with people I don’t know! It’s so uncool!’ Well friends, I’m here to let you know that networking can totally be cool and YOU can totally look cool while...
Career Advice, Career Advice Undergraduate, Skill Building, Skill Building Postgraduate, Skill Building Undergraduate
How to Build Your Skills While at Uni (feat. The Peer Network) While your time at uni is normally spent dashing to and from lectures and tutorials, partaking in the deliciousness that is a snack pack from the Underground food court, complaining about the lengthy...