Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
Career Lessons Learned from Crazy Rich Asians Crazy Rich Asians has become a cultural phenomenon and I for one am jumping aboard this Crazy Rich Asian hype train. For a rom-com, this movie had a surprising amount of takeaway messages. As a ’Crazy non-rich Asian’...
Skill Building, Skill Building Postgraduate, Skill Building Undergraduate
Is The Future of Work Full-time? Yes? Carry on then. Nothing to read here. No? Okay, so what? I have no idea. So let’s set people up on how to deal with the ambiguity. It’s a hot topic that makes the rounds. Most articles talk about robots and technology...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
Back to the Future of Work: Myth-busting Entrepreneurship Resilience, courage and focus were some of the skills marked for entrepreneurial success by innovative founders, students and teachers at the UTS Postgraduate Expo. “See failures as a learning experience, and...
Job Search, Job Search Postgraduate, Job Search Undergraduate
How to Get a Job with Basically No Experience It’s a time old problem: you need experience to get a job, but you need a job so you can get experience in the first place. And there seems no end to the ridiculous amount of previous work experience employers expect for...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate
Do You Have Career Envy? It’s that uncomfortable feeling of desiring something that someone else has; a resentful longing, an emotion that we associate with a destructive green-eyed monster. It’s something we’ve learned we shouldn’t admit to. But envy is something we...