Career Advice, Career Advice Undergraduate
Getting your foot in the Door When you’re studying, you might also be working casually or part-time in industries you’re not planning on sticking to long-term. Sure it pays the bills, but do you ever suddenly feel overwhelmed by the pressure to find a job related to...
Career Advice, Career Advice Undergraduate
Figuring out what I want from my not-dream-but-pretty-awesome job While 2020 has gotten off to an extremely rocky start, and finding your dream job may not be at the forefront of your mind right now, it’s always a good idea to really clarify what it is you want when...
Career Advice, Career Advice Undergraduate
Graduating into a world of uncertainty Years of late-night assignments and group presentations have all lead up to this moment.You feel the piece of paper in your hands and see your name embellished on the certificate. Congratulations! You are now officially a UTS...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
Social distancing and job seeking? Social distancing isn’t something we’d typically recommend when looking for opportunities, but it’s March 2020. If you are self-isolating, or perhaps spending an increased amount of time at home, here are 10 things you can do online...
Career Advice, Career Advice Undergraduate
It took me 7 years to get through my undergrad, and I wouldn’t change a thing! It was only a few weeks ago when I was at my parents’ house, sifting through the old family computer when I stumbled upon my UAC preferences deep in an unorganised file. First was...