We’ve Got Your Back This Session
Your career begins when you start uni, so making sure you settle in and know what services are available to you is super important to make sure you’re on the right track. So, whether everything’s going fine or your world has blown up, we can help make your uni experience a success!
1. Timetable
Enrol in your subjects on My Student Admin and choose classes via myTimetable. For the more complicated stuff, submit an eRequest to the Student Centre team.
2. Jobs
Refine (or start creating) your resume, get career advice, hire a suit, and take a LinkedIn headshot at UTS Careers Drop-in.
3. Relax
Work out those stress knots with a discounted remedial massage or acupuncture at our very own Chinese Medicine Clinic.
4. Mental and physical health
Multilingual, trauma-trained counsellors are on campus to help you navigate anything life throws at you (plus it won’t cost you!). We’ve also got bulk-billed doctors and a physiotherapy and dietitian clinic.
5. Assessments
If you’re all Wikipedia and no library, it’s time to fix that. Learn how to use the library (yes, that’s a thing) to avoid #fakenews and secure those HD’s this session.
6. Report and support
You can (and should) report inappropriate behavior online and reach out if you need support.
7. Accessibility
Living with a disability, a medical, or mental health condition? Chat to Accessibility Services for help with access needs and assessment arrangements.
8. Computers
Need Microsoft Office or Adobe Suite? UTS students can be eligible for computer and software discounts. And, if money is tight, you might be able to loan a laptop for study.
9. Security
The Security Team are here to make sure you’re safe. If you feel unsure or unsafe at any time, chat to them. They can also escort you to your car or the station, give you a lift in the UTS shuttle, and provide first-aid. They’re also your go-to for lost property, so if you lose your phone around campus, let them know!
10. Food
UTS has regular free food events, like Bluebird Brekkie Bar, Night Owl Noodle Bar and hundreds of ActivateUTS events each session!
11. Scholarships
Every year there are scholarships available to new and existing UTS students. It’s easy to see which scholarship may apply to you. Some can even help you study overseas!
12. Campus shortcuts
If you don’t know the quickest way between the Tower Building and Building 8, you probably need to download MyUTSmaps. It’s UTS’s equivalent to the Marauder’s Map.
Explore what else we have to offer on our current student website.
Featured image courtesy of Unsplash

By Mia Casey
Communications Officer