The search for the perfect bacon and egg roll (aka job)
Finding the perfect job can be a lot like finding the perfect bacon and egg roll – challenging and a little messy but worth the effort. For many years I had dreamt about finding the ideal breakfast bun.
The first bacon and egg roll I tried was in the building I had my classes in. I ordered and paid, and the barista made my coffee. After a while, the cashier advised me that the cook normally made bacon and egg rolls fresh, but they had stepped out. So, the cashier offered to warm one up for me instead. I obliged, however, I noticed as they made it that they didn’t wear gloves. I also realised afterwards that my precious bacon and egg roll had spinach in it. I was not impressed. To top it off, the coffee was not great. All in all, it was not a great experience!
The next bacon and egg roll I tried was on the other side of the building, where I had spoken to the barista before. He’d informed me that the coffee was great and the service was quick. When I ordered my bacon and egg roll, I noticed it was in a brioche sweet bun. However, I thought I would give it a go. Although it was not what I was expecting, I was glad to have explored and tried it out. I did, however, enjoy the coffee and I learnt that I like this new blend of coffee.
After that, I tried the bacon and egg roll in the building a few blocks away, which was much better! However, it took 15 minutes to make, and my time is valuable, while the coffee was only average. Having to wait that long was not something I could do regularly, and it did not fit in with my lifestyle and other commitments.
Next, I tried the bacon and egg roll from the building across the road. The bun was fresh and warm, the bacon and egg roll was freshly cooked, the coffee was excellent, and the service was quick. I was in heaven, everything I could ever dream of right in my hands.
One day I discovered a new café with fantastic coffee and an even tastier bacon and egg roll. It was here that a freshly baked muffin caught my eye. It was mixed berry, fresh, tasty, and moreish. I had decided although the other bacon and egg roll was great, I had grown and now also liked the occasional muffin. Even though I thought I had found everything I dreamt of, I continued evolving, and my interests changed as I experienced more.
During this process I realised I was actively engaged and curious to see what I could find. I was open to new experiences and being proactive in my search. From that day, every so often, I tried new baked goods and incorporated them into my search. This led me to some interesting new experiences and personal fulfilment.
As in life, when you are making career decisions, your interests change as you have new experiences. You may not find the perfect job, but over time you can have experiences that help you grow as a person. Focus on what energises and engages you each day, and learn what you like and dislike. This can ultimately lead you to discover more of what you want in life and career.
Featured image courtesy of Pexels

Michelle Tanti
Careers Consultant
Michelle is an enthusiastic Careers Educator, positively impacting individuals to identify their skills, attitudes, and knowledge to make sound choices and effectively manage their career development and life design. Michelle is an experienced corporate administrator with a background in the education industry and the NSW government sector.