The final step: tips for nailing the Assessment Centre
Getting to an Assessment Centre is a very big accomplishment in itself. You put a lot of time and dedication in your application over the course of several days or weeks. Finally, you get to the last part of your application, the day which decides whether your successful in getting the role you want.
There’s a lot of tension and anxiety building up to the Assessment Centre as you do not want to mess up this opportunity.
Well, our first tip is to relax!
Destressing before and on the day
It’s totally normal to be nervous before and during your Assessment Centre but remember that you were chosen for a reason! Reaching an Assessment Centre is a difficult task so be confident in your capabilities – it’s a sign that you are doing something right.
One of the best ways to overcome the pressure you feel on the day is to have fun and be yourself. Companies are trying to get to know the real you during the Assessment Centre and whether you would be the right fit for the firm.
So, if you are unsuccessful on the day, maybe that company isn’t right for you!
Whether you end up with an offer or not, the Assessment Centre will be a steep learning curve, so enjoy yourself and learn from this experience.
Network network network!
Our next tip is to network in preparation for your Assessment Centre.
Ideally, networking would happen prior or during your initial application stages, as you may only get a couple of days’ notice to attend the Assessment Centre. Networking is important as you can receive invaluable knowledge from people working within the company you’re applying for.
This could be on topics concerning the activities they perform in their role or how the business conducts their operations differently to other firms. It’s also just a good way to make yourself a familiar face.
This will separate you from most of the students applying for the role, as it demonstrates your enthusiasm to work at the firm. Companies want to invest in individuals who are interested in what they do and know what goals and values they are trying to achieve.
By showing your knowledge and interest of the firm on the day really puts yourself in a great position to land the role.
On the day
Although the Assessment Centre structures can differ between companies, generally there is one group task and an individual interview component. For the group task employers are focused on how well you can work within a group.
The loudest person in the room is not always the candidate that is successful. The HR team are looking for what you can contribute during the discussions and how well you can listen to other people’s ideas and opinions.
Some of the ways you can do this is:
- building upon other people’s ideas
- acknowledging whose idea you’re building upon
- if you speak at the same time as someone else, offer them to finish their point first.
For the interview component, it is essential that you remember the STAR technique when answering questions. Employers will be looking for this when answering questions and it is a good way to give a well-structured answer.
It may be tempting to read off your computer screen if the Assessment Centre is online, but HR can easily spot if you are doing so.
Always remember to answer the question they are asking rather than repeating a memorised answer. The best way to do this is to be sincere with your answers.
In brief, our top tips to ace your Assessment Centre is to be yourself and network! If you are a UTS student and want a more in-depth guide for Assessment Centres, I would highly recommend going through our resources on CareerHub and booking an appointment to discuss any questions with your peers.
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Shaakir Thajudeen
UTS Careers Intern