Startup Your Career: How to Make a Startup Experience Work to Your Advantage
Participating in a startup appears to be the complete opposite of working for a large corporation – but is it? Let’s look at how your experience in a startup can literally start your career. Here are the top 5 startup skills you need to leverage at your next interview.
You get stuff done
At a startup if you don’t get the job done, no-one else will. You have to be tenacious, a self-starter and persevere.
You can sell yourself
Most startups would agree that more time is spent selling yourself than your product or service. Experience in sales can be hugely beneficial and have endless spin-offs – whether you are networking at an event or selling yourself at an interview, the ability to sell yourself is essential.
You know how to communicate
You’ll be working closely with people from different backgrounds to achieve the same goal; sharing your ideas, views, and feedback. Someone who is confident and can communicate their ideas clearly and effectively to internal and external audiences is hugely desirable in many organisations.
You want to learn and grow
You will learn new skills and take on new responsibilities as the startup evolves, meaning you are curious and keen to learn. Think about times when you’ve taken on something totally new – this is a great way to show you are willing to take on new responsibilities.
You create solutions
Startups encounter problems all the time and identifying solutions is the key to progression. What future employer is not going to appreciate a staff member who can bring viable solutions to problems?
So why not get your hustle on and start thinking about how startup experience is a wonderful way to acquire vital employability skills?
Featured image courtesy of Unsplash

By Kaye Carr
Business Development Officer
A Sydney-based Business Development Officer currently working at UTS Careers, Kaye has over 20 years’ experience in sales, recruitment, account management and business development. She loves engaging with employers to create as many quality opportunities as possible for UTS students.