UTS Careers Blog
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Keep Calm and Carry On: Workplace Wellness and the Work-Life Balance
Many companies have workplace wellness programs, designed to help staff stay healthy and maintain a high level of productivity in the workplace. Unfortunately, many employers (and employees) see these programs as a ‘ticking the box’ exercise that undermines many of...
Can You Handle Rejection??
Getting the right job at the right company can be a difficult process. However, remember that good things take time and you’re not the only one to have received rejection. It is a common process many go through, and you can choose to make the best of the experience...
Benefits of Bilingualism: How Being Bilingual Can Make You More Employable
Australia is a largely monolingual culture, regardless of government initiatives to increase the level of language learning in schools. As Professor Clyne, author of Australia’s Language Potential, has noted, Australia is “a nation rich in language resources, yet...
How to Land an Internship (and Be Amazing When You Do)
While internships are essential, landing one can be difficult, particularly if you’ve never approached the task before. Luckily, there are ways you can easily overcome these difficulties. Career Consultant, Helena Asher-Chiang, gave us some advice on how simple it can...
From intern to editor: Latte magazine’s Rebecca Bodman
(Originally posted on Business Chicks) As part of my uni degree, I had to complete a six-month paid internship. As an 18-year-old who’d just moved from Canberra to Sydney, six months of full-time paid work that counted toward my degree, meant I was cheering. I also...
Are Students Suffering in a Changing Job Market?
If you’re studying you don’t need to be told that life can be stressful – chances are, that’s a reality you’re already dealing with. Still, reports that over 70% of students are experiencing ‘high or very high levels of psychological distress’ were met with shock,...
How to Research the Company You’re Applying to
Researching a company is one of the first steps to creating a tailored job application, but it can be difficult to know where to start. If you rush into research without a plan it can make it more stressful and you may end up looking something like this: It is...
Resumes: Writing Your Employment History
When it comes to resumes, the employment history section often trips people up. How far back should you go? What roles should you mention? Does formatting even matter that much? How many details should you include? With so many questions circling the topic, we thought...
Work Overseas: It’s ‘one of the most rewarding things you can do’
Why you should consider gaining work experience overseas Let me start off by asking you a question: how many of you tick the box for ‘Sydney CBD” as the preferred location when you are searching for a position on jobsites or LinkedIn? For those of you that are brave,...
Kickstart Your Career
(Article originally posted on Careers with STEM) From the far reaches of space to the coolest places on Earth, and from running a hackathon to starting up a billion-dollar business, computer science leads to some amazing careers. Technology is advancing rapidly, so...
Why a Career in Sales Might Be the Right Road for Recent Grads
(Originally posted on HubSpot) If you recently graduated from college or university, you've probably been reminiscing on the good old days, saying farewell to friends, and catching your breath after non-stop graduation festivities. Then, the real world sunk in. As you...
Why Everyone Should Have at Least One Terrible Job
I’m starting my post with a disclaimer, I think I currently have the best job I love it, I enjoy 90% of the tasks I complete, every day I work with inspiring people, and I’m lucky to be in a role where I believe in the work we do. But that hasn't always been the...
Staying Agile
(Article originally posted on Postgraduate Futures) Jump-start a stellar career and build the perfect skillset by forging your industry links early. Let’s face it, taking on undergraduate and postgraduate studies can sound like a slog. But that investment could pay...
Why Even The Most ‘Pointless’ Work Experiences Are So Worthwhile
Apart from your first email address, most people’s first job would be pretty embarrassing to publicly admit. Well, at least on your resume or in an important graduate-level job interview. As I came to the end of my Bachelor degree, I found myself dreading the idea of...
The Power of Podcasts
I love listening to podcasts. I listen to them on the bus, when I exercise and even when I’m just relaxing at home. I can’t get enough - the more I listen, the more I learn and feel inspired. At the beginning of 2015, I started a new job with an amazing company that...
Are You Hired for Your Degree?
This topic may seem strange, and even when I mentioned it to a few of my colleagues they were surprised and wondered ‘What is Chandani writing about?’ If you really would like to know what I’m talking about, please go read on. A majority of the people in this modern...
What Are Soft Skills and Why Do You Need Them?
If you’ve been in the job search realm for a while, you’ve probably stumbled across the phrase ‘soft skills’. It’s a term that’s bandied about quite regularly, and can include a wide variety of skills and attributes that employers look for in their employees. So what...
Can Volunteering Lead to Career Success?
Working in the careers space, I am often asked what piece of advice I’d give my younger self. Social action helps people to give back to the community and will enhance your job applications, whether you have interned before or are entering the workplace for the first...
Making Super Super: Navigating the Superannuation Process
Superannuation Is there a more exciting word in the English language? While many of us don’t find superannuation exciting, it is an essential part of working life and it pays to spend a few minutes thinking about it. For many of us, our superannuation will be our...
Why Time Management is a Skill You Should Perfect Before You Get that Graduate Job
If you’re applying for a job and are lucky enough to secure an interview, you can be sure that the employer will ask: “How do you manage your time effectively and how do you handle a busy workload?” You sit there, wearing your new suit that you bought just for the...
Top 5 Things You Can Do At Uni to Get Work-Ready!
From the UTS Careers Career Programs Team Hey you! The student over there thinking you have all the time in the world to look for a job after you finish your degree: our advice to you would be to start NOW. The earlier you start thinking about getting work-ready, the...
What I Regret About Going To University…
I don’t usually say that I regret much in my life because I think that all my experiences have led me to where I am as a person. Looking back at my university experience, there are certain things I regret not doing. So, if I could go back and tell my 19-21 year old...
The Intern Diaries: Max Grieve
I get a lot of emails, most of which I don't open. In fairness, the majority are subscriptions to second-rate flight offers and system-generated messages letting me know that 'the following activity you have selected and were allocated to has changed,' and don't...
How to Succeed in Your Internship
With applications for PwC’s 2017/2018 Summer Vacation Program officially opening, I thought now would be the perfect time for me to offer some tips on the recruitment process! I’ve worked across the Careers Engagement team at Chartered Accountants ANZ, as well as the...