Not just another “to-do” list

by Apr 16, 2021

If you’re like me, you lay in bed at night remembering all the things you need to do the next day and start to write a mental list in the hope you can finally fall asleep and not forget anything that you’ve thought of in the morning. To help with this midnight list writing I’ve started making space every morning to make a daily plan and write down everything I want to achieve by the end of the day.

This isn’t just a normal to-do list, it’s becoming more of a journal where I’m including notes about my intentions for the day, things that I’m grateful for and what my ideal day looks like.

If you’re new to journaling, Life Goals has some great intention-setting journaling prompts and interesting blogs on journaling. You can also find some great inspiration on Pinterest!

For me, journaling has helped provide much needed structure to my day, allowed me to see just how much I’ve piled on my plate for the day, and shuffle things around to give myself a break. By including bigger life goals, I can ensure that each day I’m working towards these and taking steps in the right direction to achieve them.

For students, journaling can include things like:

  • Write a resume,
  • List top companies you want to work for and the jobs you are interested in,
  • Include steps you can take towards learning more about these employers and industries so you can narrow down what you want to do.

UTS Careers have resources you can access that make this exploration phase easier. Connect with a mentor on PMP, browse employers on our UTS Career Directory and read through the Graduate and Day in the Life Stories.

In your journaling, include small career-related goals each week and schedule time to use these tools to help you identify the steps you need to take to be heading in the right career direction you have decided on. Remember it’s ok if this direction changes! 

Journaling has helped me be more productive and lessens that anxious feeling I get when I know I have a lot to do. I’m a morning person so getting up earlier and having 30 minutes each day to write in my journal is most productive for me, but schedule time that works best for you. For example, if you’re more alert and productive at night, write in your journal then.

Schedule some time in this week and have a go. Start with a list, one life or career goal and your intentions for the week. Track your progress and see how much you’ve achieved by the end of the week. Don’t forget to write down the small things, these often add up to bigger accomplishments! 


Featured image courtesy of Pexels

Rowena Pierags

Rowena Pierags

Operations Manager

Rowena has over 9 years’ experience working in operations, projects and event management and is currently the Operations Manager at UTS Careers. She loves finding new ways of working smarter, not harder, and sharing these “work hacks” with the team.