How to Build Your Skills While at Uni (feat. The Peer Network)
While your time at uni is normally spent dashing to and from lectures and tutorials, partaking in the deliciousness that is a snack pack from the Underground food court, complaining about the lengthy coffee queues, and chatting with your mates, it also offers the opportunity to be so much more. It may not feel like it, but while you’re at university you’re actually in the perfect position to start working on the skills and attributes you’ll need to nab a job after graduation.
UTS itself has a heap of different ways you can start building your skills while studying, and add valuable experience to your resume. Of the student opportunities UTS has on offer, the Peer Network is always a popular choice.
How to become a UTS Peer Networker
So – are you itching to get behind that white concierge desk in the foyer, or lead a campus tour for new students? Maybe you are looking to make some new friends, be more involved at UTS before your time here is up, or you just love orange?
Here are the steps you can take to increase your chances of getting in to the Peer Network:
- Research our timeline for intake
- Research the dates for the upcoming Orientation sessions, taking note that we run the Peer Network each day of Orientation where there is a new intake of students, which is for now is Autumn and Spring Orientation Sessions (not Summer).
- Confirm you are eligible
- Think back to your own experience of starting as a new student at UTS. What support did you need, and how would you assist new students in their transition to life at uni if you were selected to become a Peer Networker?
- Research our Selection Criteria
- Apply via the link in the email which all current students receive an email twice a year in March/April (for Spring Orientation), and October/November (for Autumn Orientation)
- Share your motivation for becoming a Peer Networker
- Write in full sentences and elaborate – tell us who you are and how you would help new students.
If you are selected, you will be invited to an interview… don’t miss my next blog where I will divulge some hot tips for acing the interview stage of our selection process!
Featured image courtesy of Unsplash

By Sarah Graham
Community Coordinator
Sarah Graham is the Community Coordinator at UTS Careers, and loves how her role with the Peer Network allows her to cry-laugh while swapping hilarious travel stories with people from all over the world.