Best of: Job search advice
Are you looking for a job at the moment? Or maybe contemplating leaving your current role for a new opportunity?
The job search process may seem easy – you just find a job, apply for it, and get it… right? – but in reality it can take setbacks, challenges, and the ever-elusive ‘hidden job market’ before landing a new role.
There are countless tips for acing the job search process, but we’ve put together some of our favourite resources for the next time you find yourself trawling CareerHub, Seek, or Indeed.
Automatic rejection for your job application? Here’s why
Why you should read: Get advice from a former recruiter on why you might not be receiving responses to your job applications. Turns out there’s a whole lot of software that goes into the recruitment process, and some key tips for avoiding that dreaded automatic rejection.
Are you receiving the dreaded ‘auto rejection’ email when you apply to jobs? It could be that your resume is to blame.
When you apply to a job, it is extremely likely that your resume will be read by an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This is a type of software most companies use to streamline the recruitment process.
The ATS scans resumes and only displays candidates who have specific key words and phrases in their resume. This means that a human has not actually seen your resume when you receive an auto rejection email. That said, don’t use this knowledge as an excuse. You should always look to improve your application documents and approach, not blame the bots.
ATS software scans thousands of resumes at once. When you apply for a job, your resume is not going directly to the hiring manager or recruitment team. It’s first being scanned by an ATS.
It’s nearly an impossible task. I worked insane hours when I was a recruiter and could not imagine tackling this process without an ATS to assist me. ATS also keeps all those resumes in one place, helping recruiters and hiring managers to stay organised. But the reality is, ATS also allows top candidates to slip through the cracks.
Read more here!
5 Tips for Landing a Job After Uni
Why you should read: If you’ve just graduated, or thinking about what you’d like to do for work after graduating, look no further than this blog! With five essential tips, there’s bound to be something you find useful in your next job search adventure.
When you wake up the day after graduation, the morning sunlight shining in through your bedroom window and your phone already in-hand as you scroll through the endless pics of your mates in their gowns on your Insta feed, it can feel like you’ve got the world at your feet. Finally, no more assignments, no more exams or early morning lectures. You’ll now actually have time to make yourself a proper dinner, rather than the classic late night packet of mi goreng or a bowl of slightly soggy Weet-Bix for the third night in a row. You can finally start properly ‘adulting’.
But then it’s three weeks since graduation, then three months, and that ‘dream job’ you’d always thought you’d find after you graduated hasn’t appeared. Your parents are starting to give you ‘the look’ whenever jobs come up, your Insta feed has moved from being full of graduation pics to being full of selfies from your mates at work, and you’ve started to realise that maaaayyyybe you should have tried to find an industry internship while you were still at uni.
Hey – you’re not alone, and it’s certainly not the end of the world. Getting into your ideal industry or landing that oft’ dreamed about job is entirely possible – you just need to remember a few pieces of advice.
Read more here!
Should I stay or should I go? Deciding whether a job is right for you
Why you should read: It’s tempting to just accept any job offer that’s offered to you. Read on for questions to consider when contemplating a career move, and for key ‘Do’s and ‘Don’t’s.
Job searching. It’s not exactly anyone’s favourite activity – looking for jobs can be draining, stressful, and disheartening, especially if you’ve been searching for a while with no concrete results.
So when it finally happens – when you get your application in on time, are offered an interview, get your references checked, knock the interviewer’s socks off – when you finally land a job offer, it’s almost a knee-jerk reaction to accept.
But should you? Of course there are some things that might force your hand, like financial needs or your previous role coming to an end, but if you’re in a position to consider your job offers before pouncing on them, you’ll be in a much better place.
So how do you decide whether a job is right for you? Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering whether accepting an offer is the right choice.
Read more here.
How striving for 100 rejections landed me a job
Why you should read: For a healthy dose of inspiration from a fellow student!
Application after application, sleepless nights, rejections and constantly worrying about being good enough. We see our peers doing well and feel like an imposter while scrolling through Linkedin, questioning ourselves: what am I doing wrong?
This is something we have all gone through as students. But how can we actually get through it?
It might seem silly, but the way I dealt with rejection was to make a joke out of it. I challenged myself to get at least 100 rejections and laugh about it with my friends.
Read more here!
Featured image courtesy of Pexels

Lily Cameron
Communications Assistant
Lily Cameron is a writer and editor based in Sydney. She is a UTS Communications (Creative Writing) graduate, and current Communications Assistant at UTS Careers. She is passionate about telling stories, both hers and others’, and the way digital and social media is changing the literary landscape. Her writing has appeared in Voiceworks, The Brag, and elsewhere.