Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Skill Building
Make a difference: be a mentor There are a tonne of benefits to finding a career mentor – we’re talkin’ building your network, identifying career goals, and having someone in your corner to help encourage you. But what’s in it for the mentor? Turns out… a...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
Where are they now? Life as a Top100 finalist As the deadline for GradConnection Top100 applications quickly approaches, we wanted to introduce you to two of UTS’ past Top100 finalists to hear about their experiences with the Future Leaders competition, how it has...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
4 tips for making meaningful connections at Zoom-iversity So you’re new at uni. You’ve got all the notebooks and highlighters you’ll ever need (and will probably never use), you’ve sorted out your timetable, and you’ve stacked your pantry full of study snacks…...
Career Advice, Career Advice Undergraduate
How NOT being productive can increase your productivity You’re probably spending a little more time than usual at home right now and feeling the pressure to tick everything off your ongoing to-do list. There are influencers on Instagram telling you Shakespeare wrote...
Career Advice, Career Advice Undergraduate, Skill Building, Skill Building Undergraduate
From surviving first year to thriving in your career With orientation fast approaching, whether you’re about to start your first year of uni or have long since graduated, it’s good to reflect on the lessons you learn when commencing university study and how it can...