Interviews, Interviews Postgraduate, Interviews Undergraduate
The 7 Biggest Interview Mistakes You Can Make Congratulations, you’ve got an interview! Just be sure you don’t make these common interview mistakes. 1. Stressing about things you can’t change You’ve landed the interview and now you’re worried about how you’ll compare...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
Why the Age-Old Question: “What do you want to be when you’re older?” is Obsolete. You’ve probably heard it before and you’ll probably hear it again, chances are that you’ll change careers at least 5 times during your working life. Speaking from personal experience...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
House of Cards? More Like Travel Cards Pause the episode. It is time to invest that Netflix subscription into an international travel money card! Studying abroad during university is one of the best opportunities for you to travel, learn and get out of your...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
The Power of a Smile and a Good Handshake! First impressions are important. You know those people you meet that you remember? You remember their name, what they said to you and how they made you feel? Whether you’re at your friend’s birthday party, at the pub or at a...
Job Search, Job Search Postgraduate, Job Search Undergraduate
Uncovering ‘The Hidden Job Market’ Most jobseekers turn to online job boards like and as their primary job search strategy. They might scan the job listings every few days, submit a handful of applications and cross their fingers...