Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
5 Years From Graduation – 5 Life Lessons & Hacks 1. Be content with what you have If you are discontent now then finding a job, finding a partner, having a kid, or getting more friends, will not fill that hole. You will still be discontent. I see this all the time...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
So Many Pies, So Little Time: How to Cope as the ‘Go-To’ Person in Your Organisation I remember when I was in high school all of my friends would call me an ‘old soul’. Someone they could talk to when things got tough. Someone they trusted for advice when...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
Career Profiling: the Basics, the Bizarre and the Bleeding Obvious There are a number of theories on how and why we like and choose different professions. These choices could stem from many things, including being in the right place at the right time, having...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
But What Do [insert job title] Actually Do?! You might be sitting there with no idea what job you want to do, or you might be trying to choose between 2 different career paths. Wherever you are up to, asking questions like those below will definitely help you to find...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Job Search, Job Search Undergraduate
Can You Land a Job When You Have No Experience? At UTS:Careers Drop-In, a very common question to be asked is “How can I get a job when I have no experience?” Students often bring in their resume with their objective and education, and say that they have no experience...