Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
The Benefits of a Professional Mentor Professional mentors. Everyone seems to have one, and it sounds like a good idea, but what does having a mentor actually achieve? And where can you find one? Benefits Insight A professional mentor is able to give further insight...
Interviews, Interviews Postgraduate, Interviews Undergraduate
The Video Interview: Really? Do I Have To? I recently had my first dabble with video interviews from a recruiter’s perspective, and I’m a convert. We’re using a web and app platform called Vieple to shortlist candidates, rather than using traditional methods like...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Job Search, Job Search Postgraduate, Job Search Undergraduate
How to Network Like a Natural When looking for a job you’re constantly told “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”, or “you need to get out there and market yourself.” It’s a constant reminder that you’re not doing enough to tap into potential job opportunities...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Careers
A Note for Students and Grads: Let Life Surprise You! Let’s be honest about uni: the struggle is real. Enough said. We dedicate all this time to reading journal articles, writing essays, and managing those gruelling group assignments, whilst simultaneously trying to...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Job Search, Job Search Postgraduate, Job Search Undergraduate
Can You Handle Rejection?? Getting the right job at the right company can be a difficult process. However, remember that good things take time and you’re not the only one to have received rejection. It is a common process many go through, and you can choose to make...