Job Search, Job Search Postgraduate, Job Search Undergraduate, Resumes & Cover Letters, Resumes & Cover Letters Postgraduate, Resumes & Cover Letters Undergraduate
Applying for a Job: Your First Impression is Your Last Impression Working in Careers and dealing in the recruitment process means that I have to go through a number of submitted applications every day. One of the first things I came to realize was that the adage ‘your...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
Which Bachelorette Contestant Would Be The Best Colleague? Sophie Monk’s season of the Bachelorette could easily be one of the best seasons to hit our screens yet. While her quest for love sees her looking for the man of her dreams, the contestants of this season’s...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Resumes & Cover Letters, Resumes & Cover Letters Postgraduate, Resumes & Cover Letters Undergraduate, Skill Building, Skill Building Postgraduate, Skill Building Undergraduate, Uncategorized
Why Every Student NEEDS A Portfolio No matter what you’re studying, it’s important to have a portfolio. A portfolio gives you the opportunity to showcase your best work, build your personal brand, and develop personal awareness. You can use your portfolio as a tool...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate
How to Make the Most of Your Design Internship Whilst having out-of-this-world animating talent or hilarious graphic wit is great, more often than not a designer has to pull out all the stops to get noticed. Here is a list of the essentials to help you get over the...
Career Advice, Career Advice Postgraduate, Career Advice Undergraduate, Skill Building, Skill Building Postgraduate, Skill Building Undergraduate
Avoid Career Free-Fall and Land That First Internship First year was a whirl, second year was a party, and suddenly you realise you’re up to your last year and the word ‘career’ is so dang foreign to you. You’ve adopted a jealousy for those go-getter types who’ve been...