Why Searching For Jobs on Seek Just Isn’t Going to Cut It


Is it time for a new part-time job to cover your recent rent rise, or to help you fund your next ASOS haul? Is it nearing the time in your uni career when you need to look for an internship to cement your university knowledge? Are you in your final year and thinking that you better get your act together and land a graduate role, to show all the haters that five years at uni was worth it?

No doubt you’ve already downloaded the Seek app and you’ve been checking every once in a while, waiting for your perfect job to jump out, but… how do I break this to you? You need to try harder. Do you know that recent research shows that 85% of jobs are filled via some form of networking? Jobs are generally filled first through internal applications and through referrals from trusted sources, before they’re even advertised online.  Do you know that some organisations have referral bonuses for current employees who can recommend a suitable candidate? If that candidate is hired successfully, the existing employee gets a bonus (at one of my previous workplaces, this was a couple of thousand dollars!).

I know it’s easy to just scroll through Seek.com in your pyjamas, but considering these stats (and if you really want to get ahead of the crowd), there ARE some other ways you can land your next opportunity:

NetWORK it

Look around at your existing networks – do you have any friends and family who work in your desired industry? Or friends of friends, or family? It always pays to ask the question at a family BBQ, or to your extended social media network. Just have a think about whether anyone you know can offer you some work experience or the opportunity to meet people within the industry.

Get online

Start developing a superstar LinkedIn profile – include your part-time work, university achievements, and ask reputable professionals that know you well to recommend you. Once you’ve spent some time building this useful resource, research some individuals on LinkedIn who might be able to shed some light on your desired industry. Can you find any recent alumni whose career path you admire? Contact them on LinkedIn and ask them to meet you for 30mins, buy them a coffee and have a few select questions you could ask them about their career so far! They might be too busy… or they just might be up for a free coffee and a chat! You never know what opportunities are just around the corner with new contacts!

Go to events

Check out the upcoming events that are being held on-campus here at UTS. Do you know that we have a variety of employers that come on campus throughout the year who are looking for potential candidates to fill their intern and graduate positions? All you need to do is register to secure your seat and do some research on the organisation so you can ask informed questions to the representatives at the event.

Seriously, network

Be aware of the networking opportunities available to you through UTS, industry associations and societies. Be proactive, join groups and get to know people in your industry!

Featured image courtesy of Unsplash

Nicole Woll

Nicole Woll

Industry Engagement Coordinator

Nicole Woll is the industry engagement coordinator at UTS Careers, with a background in marketing and project management. She loves talking with UTS students and alumni, finding out what makes them tick and re-telling their career stories to inspire other students. Outside the office, she is a dog enthusiast, a wave watcher and is always chasing her next travel adventure!