3 ways to grow in your corporate career

by Mar 9, 2022

Most people want to feel valued in the career they choose, and oftentimes, individuals will feel a slow burnout if they aren’t seeing their work and efforts acknowledged. It can take time to find a job you feel invested in and choosing a career often comes down to not just personal wages and benefits, but the ability to grow and advance. 

Investment involves more than putting effort into a task. When you take time to invest in yourself, such as education or developing skills, you are giving yourself an opportunity to expand your skillsets and become a valuable asset to many companies. Taking time to allow yourself room to improve and grow as a professional will help you not only in your current career but open up doors to new ones.

If you’re wanting to grow in your corporate career or advance to another role, investment matters. Luckily, there are a few tips you can apply today to help you improve in any job.


Start with a goal

People who seek out success understand they need to know how and what to work towards. To move forward in a career or assess your life, you need to evaluate yourself, your wants, and your desires. When it comes to growth, understanding what you want to pursue and why makes a difference in whether you move forward or stay stagnant with your career.

Begin charting out areas you have an interest in, whether it’s with the tech department, client services, or other roles. Take time to seek out what your company is trying to learn and achieve. If your business is asking what an SSL certificate is, how to upgrade security, or where to find more bilingual employees, see if this need can become an opportunity for you to step in and assist. If you don’t already have the skills needed to offer information and skill in those areas, think about growing one or more of your company’s desired skillset, leveraging your value as an employee.

Regardless of what your current company wants and needs, you should sit down and chart out your personal goals. Figure out if your personal goals align with the job you’re in and how you can grow the knowledge and skillsets your company needs.


Seek opportunity

Setting goals is a wonderful place to start when it comes to growing in the corporate world, but if those goals don’t ever see action, then you’ll find yourself in the same place you started. Applied action is the only way for a person to move forward, and it can be easier done than you may think.

Start small and break down the larger goal into smaller steps that can be achieved, measured, and checked off. Reward yourself after each small step is achieved, and before you know it, you’ll find your main goal reached and a sense of satisfaction. 

Don’t stop after you reach a goal. Take the knowledge or skillset you’ve grown and find ways to apply it in your current role. If ever you feel there is nowhere to grow, don’t be afraid to seek opportunity elsewhere. 


Keep going

It may seem like some people have all the luck while others do not. Sometimes the difference simply comes down to persistence. Don’t let your presence be forgotten. If you have skillsets you can use to help improve your job or apply in another role, seek it. 

You don’t always see success the first time, but you’ll certainly be more likely to achieve it if you don’t give up. Successful people are tenacious, they learn from their past mistakes and strengthen weak areas, then they try again. 



No matter what your career goals are, you have the ability to soar. Take time to evaluate what you want in a job and life. Seek out the opportunity, and most importantly, don’t give up. If you apply these three things, you’ll see yourself succeeding in whatever career you choose.


Featured image courtesy of Pexels

Mikkie Mills

Mikkie Mills

Freelance Writer

Mikkie is a freelance writer from Chicago. She is also a mother of two who loves sharing her ideas on interior design, budgeting hacks and workplace tips. When she’s not writing, she’s chasing the little ones around or can be found rock climbing at the local climbing gym.