7.3 Questions With Anthony Chu
To take a note out of Vogue’s book, we’ve has a chat with some of our amazing Accomplish Award graduates in a short series we like to call ‘7.3 Questions Answered By Your Favourite Accomplishers’.
To kick things off, we’ve spoken with Anthony Chu; a penultimate year Business student currently working at American Express. He talked to us about the importance of a professional network, why knowing about the recruitment process is key, and why putting yourself out there is so important.
Anthony Chu on his career development, the importance of internships, and how practice makes perfect.
1. Anthony, who are you?
My name is Anthony. I’m a 3rd year Bachelor of Business student and I will graduate at the end of 2020.
2. You’ve already completed the Accomplish Award, but what made you sign up in the first place?
I wanted to build upon my professional experience through an internship. I was unsure of how strong my resume and interview skills were so I completed the Accomplish Award to ensure I had the best chance when applying for internships.
3. A big part of the Accomplish Award is meeting with employers from different industries – how did that help you?
Being able to meet and network with real employers gave me the edge when applying for a position at the firm. I had already made a good impression and was able to demonstrate my interest in the role on the cover letter.
4. Do you think meeting with employers was beneficial for other students? And what about the employers – was it a good idea for them to get involved?
The Accomplish Award benefits the student in replicating the process of recruitment and provides the knowledge that students often lack when applying for jobs. The workshops help the students to build their confidence by being able to see their mistakes and to strengthen their job applications in the process.
For employers, it is equally as beneficial for them to take part in the Accomplish Award as they gain access to a pool of keen and bright-minded students who are graduate ready.
5. So you’ve graduated from the Award, what’s life looking like now?
I am now working as a Coordinator in the Lending Portfolio Management team at American Express. My day at work encompasses working on the strategy of managing card member’s credit limits and the retention of card members.
6. That sounds so interesting! How did you land that role? Did the Accomplish Award help you get the job?
I was lucky enough to be referred to my current role. A colleague at my previous internship asked me if I would be interested in interning at American Express. Originally, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to work in the credit cards and financial services industry. However, I decided to apply as I wanted to seek experience in multiple industries which would ultimately help me determine the career path I choose to take.
The Accomplish helped with me in building confidence with my resume by making it tailored to the role I was applying for. Additionally, I was nervous about the lack of experience I had with interviews. Naturally, the interview skills workshop and the mock interview gave me the practice that I much needed.
7. Do you have any advice for students who might be a little nervous about signing up for the Accomplish Award?
Seize the opportunities and services that are provided to you at UTS Careers. Especially, if you are unsure or even confident in the job search process, you might pick up that one point that can help you get that dream job. Job applications can be a daunting task but the awesome Careers team will guide you through that journey to ensure you are well equipped.
0.3. And finally a simple, partial question: Why?
Everything starts with why, but the question really is why not?

By Mia Casey
Communications Officer