5 ways to ensure you’re ready for your next job interview
Getting a new career is an exciting time in life. However, before acquiring your next job, you have to make it through the interview process first.
Interviews can be intimidating and stressful, especially if you’re trying out for your dream job. Rather than letting the pressure get to you, prepare for the appointment. Here are five ways to ensure you ace your next job interview.
1. Review common interview questions
If you look into the key questions managers ask during interviews, you’ll soon notice that many of these questions are the same. Write these questions and your responses down and study them so you’re confident when talking to the interviewer. By preparing for the usual queries, you’ll appear to be cool, calm and collected even if you’re internally nervous.
A possible topic to prepare yourself for is the salary you expect to get. Generally, you’ll want to hold back on giving a specific number. However, sometimes, if the interview is going well, an employer may offer you a job on the spot, in which case, the hiring manager will need to know your salary requirements. In this scenario, use your negotiation training to compromise on a fair rate.
2. Do your research
Take the time to research the company you’re interviewing for. Employers want to know that you’re interested in more than just a paycheck; they want to see that your primary interest is becoming a vital part of the company. In addition, they want to hire people who are devoted to the company’s overall success.
By being able to talk about the company, you’re showing that you did your homework, which reflects your work ethic. This level of preparation will give you a better chance at a second interview or a job offer.
3. Prepare questions to ask
Every interview will probably end with the interviewer asking whether you have any questions. Make sure that you always have questions ready. When preparing, think about things you’d like to know, such as what training is like and how success is measured within the company. You may find other topics to address over the course of the interview as well.
If you have nothing to ask, the employer might think you’re not serious about working for the company and dismiss you based on your lack of inquiry. Asking questions illustrates that you not only want the job, but you also want to know more about it.
4. Sell your skills
If you think you have a lot to offer the company, let the interviewer know how you feel. The reasons you’re interested in the position probably have a lot to do with the skills you’ve developed and the education you’ve obtained. Because these experiences will set you apart from other job candidates and make you look more appealing, don’t be afraid to bring them up in conversation.
Share experiences that are relevant to the job you’re interviewing for. Pick out the most significant work-related stories because you have limited time during interviews.
Additionally, it’s acceptable to share data that shows personal growth at your previous job. For example, if you worked in car sales, bring statistics that show how many cars you sold at the beginning of your career compared to the end.
5. Follow up
It’s important to reach out to the employer if you haven’t heard anything about the position within two weeks. Try to get in touch with the hiring manager, if possible, via email. Write a short message that lets the employer know that you’re still interested in the position if it hasn’t been filled, and thank the employer for their time.
Another option is to reach out with a phone call if you don’t have the manager’s email address. If you call, make sure that the manager isn’t busy or offer to call back at a scheduled time instead. It’s important to note that you should not reach out to the hiring manager if the employer explicitly states not to do so, as this action may hinder your odds of getting hired.
If you want to increase your chances of getting a new career, prepare for your next job interview. You’ll impress yourself and the employer.
Featured image courtesy of Pexels

Mikkie Mills
Freelance Writer
Mikkie is a freelance writer from Chicago. She is also a mother of two who loves sharing her ideas on interior design, budgeting hacks and workplace tips. When she’s not writing, she’s chasing the little ones around or can be found rock climbing at the local climbing gym.