4 certifications to add to your resume

by Apr 27, 2020

illustration of woman at laptop with three resumes above her

The job market can be extremely competitive no matter the industry you’re aiming for. But when you’re about to communicate with different companies, you need to put your best foot forward if you want to earn a chance to impress them at all.

That translates not only to stellar academic education and valuable experience in your field, but also added coursework and extra certifications that can make you more qualified for your dream job.  After all, modern employers value different skills in addition to the ones that can put you on top of their must-hire list.

While you can develop some of them over the course of your academic studies and life in general – such as negotiation skills, communication, and the like – others require professional guidance.

So, if you’re looking to enrich your portfolio with worthy certificates, here are a few options you can add to your resume and impress your employers when you start job-hunting.

Get certified for specific software

There are certain software tools that are considered a necessity for the modern business arena, which means that employees who can find their way around these solutions will have a better chance of landing a job in different companies that use them every day.

For example, HubSpot and Salesforce are two of the most commonly used software services for various industries, and it can be extremely helpful for employers to find candidates that understand these intricate solutions sans the training.

It speeds up the onboarding process and enables them to help you fit in more easily, while they perhaps help you develop certain skills in other areas of their industry. Consider looking into the types of software commonly used in your field, so that you can get certified for those particular options.

IT certification done right

If there’s a single industry that’s considered the fastest to develop and grow, that would be the information technology industry, especially in highly developed countries such as Australia. Jobs in this sector are getting more diverse every day, and the more skills you develop, the more you’re appreciated by potential employers.

For those very reasons, anything from website development training to finishing a cyber security course can help you get ahead in this industry together with your experience and your portfolio. The competitive market allows well-educated candidates to stand out, and your own certification will prove to be pivotal to land a position in this fast-developing arena.

Much like so many other sectors, this one requires ongoing learning in addition to proper certification, which means you’ll need to step up and continue building upon your existing knowledge to impress your potential employers.

Google for added credit

As the top search engine today, it’s only natural that knowing your way around Google will help you get the attention of numerous marketing, SEO, and digital agencies out there.

Even if you want to work for a retailer, your knowledge of certain Google functionalities and features can make all the difference in how they define your position to help them grow online.

What’s vital to remember is that these tools used for Google are constantly upgrading and there will always be new methods and techniques to master. That simply allows you to keep learning and stay ahead of the curve, if you want a top spot in the digital world.

From Google AdWords to Analytics, your know-how of this search engine’s many capabilities will certainly help you rank higher in the eyes of potential employers.

The ins and outs of marketing

It doesn’t matter what kind of work you’ll do, it seems that knowing a little bit about marketing can get you a long way in your career, since it can help you learn about your target audience, get to know your market, and impress your future clients or customers.

Surprisingly, certain certifications in this particular area can be free of charge, which makes it easier for certain eager enthusiasts to find a perfect marketing course to enrich their skill set. For graduates who are eager to become entrepreneurs, for example, learning about inbound marketing can be an invaluable addition to your resume.

Should you partner up with a startup, or someone in your niche, obtaining this particular certificate can give you the advantage to be considered for a partnership or a management position in a new business you’d like to run. It complements many management courses and business studies, making it a great choice for future business leaders and those who will lead many different teams within a business.


Obtaining these and other available certifications is not about stuffing more details into your CV just for the sake of outshining your competition. It’s about expanding your knowledge for your particular field of work and for having better chances to find the job you’ll love.

There will always be a need for educated and skilled people, but above all, your curiosity and your desire to keep developing yourself will help you stand out and earn more attention from employers in your region and beyond.


Featured image courtesy of Pexels

Elaine Bennett

Elaine Bennett

Digital Marketing Specialist

Elaine Bennett is an Australian-based digital marketing specialist focused on helping startups and small businesses grow. Besides that, she’s a regular contributor for Bizzmark Blog and writes hands-on articles about business and marketing, as it allows her to reach even more people and help them on their business journey.